A quick article to document a Zoho Deluge function converting a hexadecimal color reference to a Red Green Blue value (RGB).
It's likely that Zoho will avail their color picker at some ...
An article to ensure I never spend this long on such a request again. The brief is: "Follow up when a lead is created and not converted within 1 day send an email and notification to sales person ...
A very quick article on converting a Map string into a HTML table without using a for each loop.
I have quite a big response from our CRM that hits a statement execution limit if I ...
... or
v_UnixSeconds = v_MyDate.unixEpoch();
info v_UnixSeconds;
Error: Argument type mismatch -Found 'TEXT' but Expected 'Long' // Solution: Convert your string into a date.
toTime() ...
A quick article on converting a Map (associative array with keys and values) into a URL string to pass as URL parameters.
Let's first define a map:
m_Payload = Map();
Great! ...
... as parameter a SQL date (or date format that strtotime() can convert) and outputs the largest unit (for example "1 year" not "1 year 2 months 3 days, etc...").
function getTimeAgo($p_Date) {
A quick article showing my MySQL statement when I want to remove all the accents from foreign characters and return the English equivalent.
A content management system (CMS) that I'm ...
Previously titled
Fix PHP cURL: parser error: Document labelled UTF-16 but has UTF-8 content
This is an article with notes for me on how to convert some received XML encoded in UTF-16 to ...
... to convert:
------------------------------------- ----------------------
Beijing Capital International Airport 40°4′20″N 116°35′51″E
Beijing Shahezhen ...
... start with a function that just converts a string of words delimited by spaces to a table:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[ufn_StringToTable]
@StringInput VARCHAR(MAX)
RETURNS @OutputTable TABL ...
So this is an article exploring how to convert UPPERCASE text into mixed case. The feed is originally for a personnel feed so it won't be converting long paragraphs of English text. Instead it ...
This is a quick article on how to convert some cells in Microsoft Excel to number values...
OMG. Seriously Microsoft! I have spent an hour trying to convert a column of currency values ...
... process of packaging the script into a reusable component.
Example #1: As an SSIS Script Task
My solution so far: The following script will convert to lowercase and then capitalize the first ...
A very quick note in case I forget this one. If you are trying to join two tables and receiving the error "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'B110' to data type int" then read ...
... conversion working in an SSIS package which read from a text file. Note that the example below converts a string in European Date Format (ie. "ddmmyyyy" to "dd/mm/yyyy"). Also, my data flow imports two ...
... going to be a convoluted formula just to convert it into minutes and then format the resulting value into a custom format of [h]:mm:ss
-- Aim / Objective:
ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
---------- ...
Just a quick note on how to format a given filesize and to reduce the display output to a small string, eg:
196 bytes : displays as => "196 bytes"
12945 bytes : displays ...
This is a quick note to show you how to convert a given comma delimited string into a database table:
Given: "Title,Forenames,Surname"
ID Value
------ ----------------
... to properly convert seconds into total hours, minutes and seconds (taking into account regional settings and without using a date function).
$total_time =intval(intval($total_seconds)/ 3600).":";
// ...
These are for autohotkey and in AHK code. Taken from Autohotkey forums topic 1878:
From Hexadecimal to RGB
From RGB to Hexadecimal
Check for a valid hexadecimal value
From Hexadecimal ...
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