... "Dashboard":
Then in the top right of the dashboard, I'm going to click on the "Widget" button:
On the data column, I'll select any query and any field. It doesn't matter which one here, as ...
A quick article on some code added to a button in ZohoBooks off the invoice module to initiate your Stripe terminal to take a payment.
Just to make it easy on the staff at a counter ...
... then press
So to use these now, simply append 2 hyphens/dashes and the name of your custom parameter, for example:
/imagine a beautiful face --portrait
So I can now build a ...
An article on the reasoning and steps to generate a dataset using Zoho's ANSI-SQL queries to generate the margins of each invoice in ZohoBooks.
We need to create a profits/losses dashboard ...
... I select on a dashboard.
First you will need a table or query that has a bunch of columns and rows with one of the columns containing the sale person name. Something like the following:
With ...
... on "Manage"
Click on the "cPanel Admin" button to go to your cPanel
Type SSL in the search to filter by icons relevant on your cPanel dashboard and then click on the "SSL/TLS" icon
Click ...
... v_DecodedString;
// yields: Father & Sons
A more comprehensive list
v_HtmlEntityNames = "amp,lt,gt,nbsp,iexcl,cent,pound,curren,yen,brvbar,sect,uml,copy,ordf,laquo,not,shy,reg,macr,deg,plusmn,sup2,sup3,acute,micro,para,middot,cedil,sup1,ordm,raquo,frac14,frac12,frac34,iquest,Agrave,Aacute,Acirc,Atilde,Auml,Aring,AElig,Ccedil,Egrave,Eacute,Ecirc,Euml,Igrave,Iacute,Icirc,Iuml,ETH,Ntilde,Ograve,Oacute,Ocirc,Otilde,Ouml,times,Oslash,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucirc,Uuml,Yacute,THORN,szlig,agrave,aacute,acirc,atilde,auml,aring,aelig,ccedil,egrave,eacute,ecirc,euml,igrave,iacute,icirc,iuml,eth,ntilde,ograve,oacute,ocirc,otilde,ouml,divide,oslash,ugrave,uacute,ucirc,uuml,yacute,thorn,yuml,OElig,oelig,Scaron,scaron,Yuml,fnof,circ,tilde,Alpha,Beta,Gamma,Delta,Epsilon,Zeta,Eta,Theta,Iota,Kappa,Lambda,Mu,Nu,Xi,Omicron,Pi,Rho,Sigma,Tau,Upsilon,Phi,Chi,Psi,Omega,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,epsilon,zeta,eta,theta,iota,kappa,lambda,mu,nu,xi,omicron,pi,rho,sigmaf,sigma,tau,upsilon,phi,chi,psi,omega,thetasym,upsih,piv,ensp,emsp,thinsp,zwnj,zwj,lrm,rlm,ndash,mdash,lsquo,rsquo,sbquo,ldquo,rdquo,bdquo,dagger,Dagger,bull,hellip,permil,prime,Prime,lsaquo,rsaquo,oline,frasl,euro,image,weierp,real,trade,alefsym,larr,uarr,rarr,darr,harr,crarr,lArr,uArr,rArr,dArr,hArr,forall,part,exist,empty,nabla,isin,notin,ni,prod,sum,minus,lowast,radic,prop,infin,ang,and,or,cap,cup,int,there4,sim,cong,asymp,ne,equiv,le,ge,sub,sup,nsub,sube,supe,oplus,otimes,perp,sdot,lceil,rceil,lfloor,rfloor,lang,rang,loz,spades,clubs,hearts,diams";
v_HtmlEntityChars ...
... need to follow these steps to get the credentials:
Login to your Twilio console
On the dashboard, note the ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN
In the side menu, expand Phone Numbers > Manage > Active numbers ...
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
On May 25, 2018, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will go into effect across all European Union markets. We believe this presents ...
... is a function to multiply two ranges together (must be the same size) and return the total of these results.
-- is a double hyphen/dash which converts a boolean true to 1 and boolean false to 0.
IsNumber( ...
This is an article documenting how to access ZohoCRM with API v2 using PHP and cURL. The first few functions are to manage OAuth v2 and generate the refresh and access tokens. The second snippet ...
... at AreYouAHuman.Com: Basic Signup:
Signup and you will be redirected to a dashboard.
On the dashboard, note the Publisher's key (eg. "c518c95f01312c9ac97ace9ace199ace0c38d9d")
On the dashboard, note ...
... plugin later.
STEP #1: Signup at AYAH
You need to have a publisher and scoring key, sign up for FREE at AreYouAHuman.Com: Basic Signup:
Signup and you will be redirected to a dashboard.
On ...
... and numbers only. No special characters)
CMD Forces the value to be alphanumeric plus the following three special characters _ (underscore) . (dot) - (dash)
BASE64 Forces the value to be a base64 ...
... I now need to add an actual row separating the different days which is either blank or full of hyphens/dashes.
Stage #2: Replace values in last data row with blanks
The trick to this is to get Stage ...
The concept - typically drawings, words, models, code and basic prototypes that describe the nature, objectives and features of the website.
Design document - a detailed plan of the website’s ...
... Chrome option in the context menu
Left-click on Properties
Add the word -incognito (including the hyphen/dash) to the end of the Target value
Ok that and see if it works
Note ...
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