A quick article to document a Zoho Deluge function converting a hexadecimal color reference to a Red Green Blue value (RGB).
It's likely that Zoho will avail their color picker at some ...
... declare
v_Page = 1;
v_PerPage = 100;
l_Pages = List();
// specify the maximum number of orders you think you have on eBay (check eBay homepage and see number of sales [ will be rounded to nearest ...
... Possibly due to me trying to create and declare the subform before having specified any record to insert it into.
Expecting ZC_SUBFORM_109 expression found COLLECTION expression: I may have tried ...
... a split for any multi-line item orders:
// declare variables to store order details in a JSON or ZohoDeluge Map format
m_Response = Map();
l_JsonOrders = List();
// loop through orders in ...
... specified in a previous multi-line text field
l_PackageRefs = c_Appt.Associated_Package_Slips1.toList();
// important to declare this as a list of integers
l_PackagesToAdd = List:Int();
for ...
... at the moment, and the endpoint will depend on your datacenter (eg. COM or EU), and lastly the connection "joel_books" is my connection to ZohoBooks:
// declare ID of item in Zoho Inventory
v_InventoryId ...
... of the logged-in user and allows the change or not
******************************************************************************* */
// declare
m_Output = Map();
v_UserID = 0;
v_UserProfile ...
... another row (declare as many rows as required)
= .();
// assigning values for various subform fields in the row
. = ;
. = ;
// declare a variable to hold the collection of rows
= Collection();
.insert( ...
... replace the my_owner and my_app with your Zoho Creator owner and app name respectively) Update 2022: I've included the code to verify the webhook came from Shopify:
// declare response variable back ...
... will use to sort in ascending/descending order and a map created to hold all the records.
Loop through the sample map to create the new map we can sort as well as to add keys to the list declared previously. ...
... for inserting a row into a subform:
// declare a variable to hold the collection of rows
= Collection();
// declaring the row
= .();
// assigning values for various subform fields in the ...
... TRIGGER IF EXISTS incrementUrlAlias;
CREATE TRIGGER incrementUrlAlias BEFORE INSERT ON my_table_name
declare original_url varchar(255);
declare url_counter int;
... '] = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive';
$api['gapis']['drive']['files'] = 'https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files';
4. Declare a PHP function to send requests using cURL
A stand ...
This is an article documenting how to access ZohoCRM with API v2 using PHP and cURL. The first few functions are to manage OAuth v2 and generate the refresh and access tokens. The second snippet ...
This code snippet took me a while to do and the documentation is flaky so I thought I'd make a note here just in case I need to refer to it again.
I want to modify a picklist and fill ...
... on the code.
So the plan is:
Declare the functions.
Authenticate on page load by checking timestamp in token file:
If token is required, redirect user to Consent page and rewrite token ...
... split contents into array of rows
// store each line of the CSV file into a JS array
var my_csv_rows_array = my_csv_file_contents.split("\n");
// declare a blank array to store ...
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