... access/refresh tokens using OAuth2.0. Usually used with an invokeUrl:
response = invokeUrl
url: "https://books.zoho.com/api/v3/estimates?organization_id=12346789"
type: GET
connection: "joelconnector" ...
... = invokeurl
url :v_Endpoint
type :GET
info r_TeamFolderInfo;
The one to rule them all
// ======================
// get folder ...
... e these are only webhooks created by apps, not added to Shopify manually)
v_Endpoint = "https://" + v_ShopifyID + "/admin/api/" + v_APIVersion + "/webhooks.json";
r_ShopifyWebhooks = invokeurl
u ...
... we'll generate the CSV rows and then a file; then we'll use invokeURL to upload the file.
Generating the CSV
Here's the simplified code to generate the CSV - note that I am replacing commas with the ...
... I've called it "zcrm".
Standard Call for Module Record Count:
v_PerPage = 200;
v_Endpoint = "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v5/Quotes/actions/count";
r_MaximumCount = invokeurl
url :v_Endpoint
type ...
... */
// our made up books org id but enter your own
// ---------------------------------
// ZohoBooks Taxes
m_Taxes = Map();
r_Taxes = invokeurl
url :"https://www.zohoapis.com/books/v3/settings/taxes?organization_id=" ...
... within ZohoBooks, we know this is just 1 bill record, still...
for each r_Bill in bills
v_BillID = r_Bill.get("bill_id");
// send attachment request
r_Attachment = invokeurl
url: "https://www.zohoapis.com/books/v3/bills/" ...
void fn_Joel_Test()
- tried with getUrl() but this doesn't work.
- has to be an invokeUrl
- set param name required
- if file comes from a Creator form, no InvokeURL needed
c_Form ...
... enabled.
But to flesh that out a little more along with setting the other options under "Advanced Tracking"
// get chart of accounts to use
r_ChartOfAccounts = invokeurl
url :"https://books.zoho.eu/api/v3/chartofaccounts?organization_id=" ...
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