A very quick article to show pushing the date and time to ZohoCRM or ZohoCreator.
You may have received an error that goes something like:
datatype: datetime
Here are ...
A very quick article on how to push a multi-select picklist from CRM to Creator.
We're trying to create a record in Creator off a button on the CRM Potential/Deal record. The CRM module ...
... + v_OrgId
type :POST
v_OutputResponse = "We're sorry to see you decline the quote, but we're here if you change your mind.";
// push a response ...
A quick article on how to get the pricebook entry using Zoho Deluge for a specific product in your ZohoBooks or ZohoInventory instance.
This took me the best part of an hour to determine ...
... be in a bigger font?"... without pushing back too much, it can end up looking like those old websites with HTML tables. We're going to use a HTML table again but that's because I want to send it to the ...
... of ticket or attachment webhook, will push some of the details of the ticket and all/any attachments to a Zoho Creator form.
The ticket form has the ticket reference, product information, factory/supplier, ...
... from ZohoDesk to ZohoAnalytics using the integration. Other tables will sync but we couldn't find attachments, so our solution here is to create a data table and then to push the attachment from ZohoDesk ...
... will fail...
I have a function to push a ZohoCRM quote to a ZohoBooks estimate and a client asked that the address on the CRM record 'pulls through'. Sending the address in the same request ...
... going into how to generate an access token / connection from Zoho to eBay, that is documented in my article: Zoho Creator: Push to eBay Listings
The megafunction
So I'm going to call this function ...
... an Access Token to your client's eBay store as that's covered in my article: Zoho Creator: Push to eBay Listings.
Getting the Orders in XML format:
Function: fn_eBay_GetOrders()
Purpose: ...
... then it will omit this to re-add it with an end date.
if (v_CheckField1Formatted != v_StartDateFormatted) {
... to push an item to an eBay listing (see my other articles for this). But we also want to push an image from Zoho Inventory to eBay.
Again, there is a caveat in that the subscription you have ...
This is an article which is the updated version of my article Zoho Deluge: Push Item to Shopify API for 2022 using the new policy that Shopify have implemented when creating a custom app.
Why? ...
... XML of a GetItemTransactions request to eBay.
You'll need an access token for eBay which I documented on how you can generate one in my article: Zoho Creator: Push to eBay Listings. Then you ...
This is an article documenting how to parse the notification from eBay and using it to create an order in Shopify.
Previously, we would receive an eBay notification and create an ...
So this is an article expanding on my article Zoho Deluge - Connect to Xero API and explores how instead of a schedule, we can get Xero to tell ZohoCRM whenever an invoice or contact gets updated ...
I already have an article documenting Pushing a value to a datetime field in CRM but wanted another article here to remind me of the Deluge code I need to add/subtract time.
Just want ...
... + v_ListingPublishKey;
v_ImageSrc = v_ImageSrc + "?filepath=/" + v_Filename;
// after I've pushed the product to Shopify and it returned to me a Product ID:
if(v_ShopifyProductID ...
... Map datatype.
I'm not going to go into detail on how I create an access token to query the eBay Trading API as you can read this in my article: Joellipman: Zoho Creator: Push to eBay Listings. ...
... other articles for integrating Shopify API with Zoho Creator:
Zoho Deluge - Push Item to Shopify
Zoho Creator - Integration with Shopify Checkout Storefront API
Zoho Creator - Receive JSON via a Shopify ...
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