Applies to:
TravelPort Universal API
PHP 4 or 5
An article on how to resolve errors and setup a standard ping request using the TravelPort Universal API. This is to be achieved using ...
A quick article on how to populate a database column from another table using a string comparison.
I have several database tables which replicate country names and I would rather they ...
... replicates any HTML table.
I've been trying various ways so I'm posting them here. My opinions on them change with the weather so until I do some benchmarking I won't know which ones best:
... to a server in a replicated server configuration without concern on which server to use.
Server=serverAddress1 & serverAddress2 & etc..;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
Using ...
... could not be replicated on the client machine (ie. from my workstation). I would have to upload the report to the server, configure the web application to use the newly uploaded report, export to a Crystal ...
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