An article on creating a color picker from a specific palette using an input field of a radio type.
At the time of print, this feature is not provided out-of-the-box and getting our ...
This is an article to show you how to, using Deluge code, generate all the email signatures in the user profile in ZohoCRM.
To simplify the on-boarding process. A client of ours has ...
This is an article to serve as a guide in terms of styling a radio group into a group of Tabs. This is only a guide or reference which was applied for one client but would need adapting to match ...
This is an article documenting how to access ZohoCRM with API v2 using PHP and cURL. The first few functions are to manage OAuth v2 and generate the refresh and access tokens. The second snippet ...
... to get this to work:
.aCoupleOfDivs {
border:2px solid #ccc;
Basic Mootools Form in Joomla 2.5
So this is a comparison chart (at least in my opinion) of 3 major joomla template/extension providers. When I'm less caught up in work I'll try adding to this article. But here's some lazy stats:
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