What? This is a quick note on how to reduce a whole bunch of CSS into a single line without unnecessary spaces and new lines. Why? What I have:
#copyright a{
margin: 10px 0 0 85px;
box-shadow: ...
A very quick article on how to check what the statement execution limit is on the Zoho application you are working in.
Our use-case is that an application we built in Zoho Creator was ...
... = Map();
// sometimes parameters need to be a string... but this is working
v_Endpoint = "https://analyticsapi.zoho.eu/restapi/v2/workspaces/" + v_ZA_WorkspaceID + "/views/" ...
... Unless you can monitor when these type of schedules are failing, you won't see this error until you go in and try to save it again.
The super quick answer is remove any spaces from the name ...
... the first is the string to start with, the second is the number of spaces to pad with.
// set number of times to iterate through loop (plus 1)
v_CheckDaysAhead = 7;
// create a string ...
... if your search query string has spaces in it, the above without the small apostrophes (single-quotes) will return either a parsing error or just no data. In the line:
v_GraphQl = " product } } } }"
Change ...
= zoho.bookings.getAvailableSlots(, , , );
Set up your connector with the following scope:
Get the workspaces:
// get workspaces
r_WorkspaceResults ...
... "")
; loop until there are no more double spaces
while InStr( v_NewName, " ")
v_NewName := StrReplace( v_NewName, " ", " ")
; trim any leading/trailing spaces ...
... yields list of [1,2,3,4,5]
Replace any multiple spaces with a single space:
v_MyString = "Hello World!";
v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("[ ]+"," ",false);
// yields Hello World!
... getUrlAlias($p_Name){
// lowercase and trim preceding/trailing spaces
$v_Output = strtolower(trim($p_Name));
// replace all non alphanumeric characters (except underscore) to an underscore
This is an article explaining the code needed to write a PHP script which generates an access token for a service account which in turn is used to list files in a team's Google Drive.
This is ...
... XML declaration from results
$output = substr($output, stripos($output, '?>') + 2 );
// remove leading spaces, carriage returns
$output = trim($output);
// process if type specified was xml
... actually works...
- Trimmed any spaces from posted data and html code.
- Used revolvermaps.com selection of "width x height" values.- Date Uploaded: Fri, 30th Jul 2010
... Note: this version is also backwards compatible with Joomla v2.5.28- Date Uploaded: Thu, 12th Mar 2015
3.2.3 Wolfgang - Fixed Bug: Forced spaces between links ...
Applies to:
TravelPort Universal API
PHP 4 or 5
An article on how to resolve errors and setup a standard ping request using the TravelPort Universal API. This is to be achieved using ...
... start with a function that just converts a string of words delimited by spaces to a table:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[ufn_StringToTable]
@StringInput VARCHAR(MAX)
RETURNS @OutputTable TABL ...
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