This is an article detailing the client script to fix any fields which exceed their decimal places limit in ZohoCRM.
So we have a customer that has some decimal fields on the products ...
... get all active users in CRM
m_UserMapping = Map();
v_Endpoint = "https://www.zohoapis.eu/crm/v4/users?type=ActiveUsers";
r_Users = invokeurl
url :v_Endpoint
type :GET
l_UserUpdates ...
... I've called it "zcrm".
Standard Call for Module Record Count:
v_PerPage = 200;
v_Endpoint = "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v5/Quotes/actions/count";
r_MaximumCount = invokeurl
url :v_Endpoint
type ...
... to create and update an estimate as well as read settings and contacts.
I have a connection called "zcrm" which has the necessary scope(s) to read from and write to a CRM quote record.
The code: ...
... This is a "zcrm_" prefixed ID of the user who owns the attachment.
Modified By Id: This is a "zcrm_" prefixed ID of the user who modified the attachment.
Created By Id: This is a "zcrm_" prefixed ID of ...
... = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Accounts","Account_Name:equals:" + v_SchoolName,1,10,m_Blank,"zcrm");
for each r_School in l_SchoolSearch
// check no search error and valid records are returned
// ...
... type :GET
f_FileRequest.setFileName(r_QuoteDetails.get("Subject") + ".pdf");
// get a greeting name
... the following request to create a Sales Order in Zoho Books would be enough:
"date": "2021-09-08",
"zcrm_potential_id": "123456789012345678",
"currency_code": "GBP",
"reference_number": "Salespersons ...
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