DJI Phantom FC40 - First Flight

So I just started another YouTube channel which I'll try to transfer my Joomla videos over to but in the meantime you can be subjected to my quadcopter videos. Here are a few quick ones, the Hubsan H107C and its Q4 Nano, then the DJI Phantom.

First up, the Hubsan X4 H107C for $60 USD filming at a reduced 720x480 25fps then further compressed by YouTube Capture app (but includes stabilization): {youtube}jFJJY5uUT0E{/youtube}

Secondly, the Hubsan Q4 Nano for $40 USD being filmed by the DJI FC40 Camera at 1280x720 30fps then reduced by YouTube Capture app: {youtube}LJBsexczqhU{/youtube}

And the DJI Phantom FC40 for $500 USD filming at 1280x720 30fps. The YouTube Capture app has blurred some moments and the quality is somewhat reduced. I had switched stabilization off so the video quality is better than what you see on YouTube: {youtube}xw7WKwbYCZI{/youtube}

The YouTube channel or user channel (once I get it figured out) can be found at

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