This is a quick note on finding the last occurrence of a string in a longer string. This has to be in Transact SQL for a SQL Server instance only and not filtered by other code.

I have a string such as the following (column positions added for demo purposes):
1   5   10   15   20   25   30 -> length = 31
  1.  String1.String2.String3.String4 
  2.  1   5   10   15   20   25   30 -> length = 31 
I'd like to end up with just the last part of this, ie "String4". So I need to delimit based on the dot/period (.) and use substring in a sort of reversed form.

For argument's sake, I'm assigning this string to the variable "haystack".

Perhaps we should determine the position of the last needle first (reverse the haystack string and find needle):
Category: Transact-SQL :: Article: 478

Along with my DataJumble function and DataTumble procedure which also help scramble database tables sent to suppliers/developers, this is a function which simply finds random characters and inserts these.

I would recommend using the DataTumble script over this one as this leaves data very difficult to work with:
           StudentID   StudentName          DateOfBirth
           ----------- -------------------- -------------
           1           John Smith           1990-03-21
           2           Fred Bloggs          1988-11-02
           3           Another User         1985-07-11
           4           Yet Another User     1977-06-25

           StudentID   StudentName          DateOfBirth
           ----------- -------------------- -------------
           1           PDUHjRWJcb           1926-01-02
           2           WRmNqQKxvuV          1969-03-14
           3           nBCkAVDrvdhe         1968-05-05
           4           RJDsFMaeNcLrcMWw     1964-08-08
  1.  Before: 
  2.             StudentID   StudentName          DateOfBirth 
  3.             ----------- -------------------- ------------- 
  4.             1           John Smith           1990-03-21 
  5.             2           Fred Bloggs          1988-11-02 
  6.             3           Another User         1985-07-11 
  7.             4           Yet Another User     1977-06-25 
  9.         After: 
  10.             StudentID   StudentName          DateOfBirth 
  11.             ----------- -------------------- ------------- 
  12.             1           PDUHjRWJcb           1926-01-02 
  13.             2           WRmNqQKxvuV          1969-03-14 
  14.             3           nBCkAVDrvdhe         1968-05-05 
  15.             4           RJDsFMaeNcLrcMWw     1964-08-08 

Category: Transact-SQL :: Article: 460

This is a stored procedure I've nabbed from some consultants from my day job. It shuffles the records and matching data values:

ID        Name         DateOfBirth
--------- ------------ -----------
1         John Smith   1988-06-24
2         Fred Bloggs  1972-11-17
3         Another User 1964-02-18
  1.  ID        Name         DateOfBirth 
  2.  --------- ------------ ----------- 
  3.  1         John Smith   1988-06-24 
  4.  2         Fred Bloggs  1972-11-17 
  5.  3         Another User 1964-02-18 
ID        Name         DateOfBirth
--------- ------------ -----------
1         Fred Bloggs  1964-02-18
2         Another User 1988-06-24
3         John Smith   1972-11-17
  1.  ID        Name         DateOfBirth 
  2.  --------- ------------ ----------- 
  3.  1         Fred Bloggs  1964-02-18 
  4.  2         Another User 1988-06-24 
  5.  3         John Smith   1972-11-17 
Looks pretty good, doesn't it? The advantages of this is that you can send this data to your developers and the data types will be correct and maybe they'll resolve issues faster than if they were given scrambled data (see my articles on DataJumble and DataScramble).

Category: Transact-SQL :: Article: 459

This article is for demonstrating how to use a SOUNDEX in a select and then listing all the variations based on case-sensitivity.

We have a database with data in it. For a particular column we have setup default values, let's use the example "Data Not Yet Available". Unfortunately the end-user reported these default values sometimes list twice, especially when the case is different, eg. "Data not yet available". The final system (qlikview) was case-sensitive despite our server collation being case-insensitive.

Furthermore, we now have the task of finding all the variations of the default values which we found we could do with the built-in SOUNDEX function.


Hmm... I was writing a stored procedure that will scramble data given a table as a parameter. Because I only want to update a temporary table and not the original (source) table, I needed the following stored procedure (or part of).

This will copy a given table into a temporary table all the while maintaining the structure and data.

Thinking inside of the box
I think everyone suggests the following (or at least the idea of):
INTO #MyTempTable
FROM @GivenTable
  1.  SELECT * 
  2.  INTO #MyTempTable 
  3.  FROM @GivenTable 
If @GivenTable is a parameter then the above will simply return an error. Also, if it was this easy, I wouldn't need to post this note on my website.

Category: Transact-SQL :: Article: 424

Some people have been suggesting you can use "CREATE OR REPLACE ... VIEW ... FUNCTION" but my SQL Server 2008 Management Studio doesn't like this and refuses to understand what I'm trying to do.

As this data seemed to be across various websites, I wanted a page which has all of them in one place. So here you go, I hope it's of some use. If it's wrong then just post a comment at the bottom of this page.

This was called a Data-Scrambling Function but it depends on what you mean by "scrambling". This is a function which merely uses the same characters but switches their order randomly, so I've renamed it DataJumble as opposed to my article on Data-Scrambling.

We want to scramble sensitive data that we send to suppliers for support or analysis. With inspiration from: "Obfuscating your SQL Server Data" by John Magnabosco but tweaked for our purposes. NOTE that the following has only ever been run on development environments and I would not recommend running this on a production system as I have not tested the performance and database load.

           StudentID   StudentName          DateOfBirth
           ----------- -------------------- -------------
           1           John Smith           1990-03-21
           2           Fred Bloggs          1988-11-02
           3           Another User         1985-07-11
           4           Yet Another User     1977-06-25

           StudentID   StudentName          DateOfBirth
           ----------- -------------------- -------------
           1           mStnoh iJh           1926-01-02
           2           lgreg BFdos          1969-03-14
           3           onrUest ehAr         1968-05-05
           4           otentre AhYe Usr     1964-08-08
  1.  Before: 
  2.             StudentID   StudentName          DateOfBirth 
  3.             ----------- -------------------- ------------- 
  4.             1           John Smith           1990-03-21 
  5.             2           Fred Bloggs          1988-11-02 
  6.             3           Another User         1985-07-11 
  7.             4           Yet Another User     1977-06-25 
  9.         After: 
  10.             StudentID   StudentName          DateOfBirth 
  11.             ----------- -------------------- ------------- 
  12.             1           mStnoh iJh           1926-01-02 
  13.             2           lgreg BFdos          1969-03-14 
  14.             3           onrUest ehAr         1968-05-05 
  15.             4           otentre AhYe Usr     1964-08-08 

Category: Transact-SQL :: Article: 422

I have googled, binged and asked but to no avail. Some self-proclaimed IT experts in forums said "why would you want to do that?". Unhelpful Bellends. It's a bit like asking me "Why can't I turn on my computer" and me replying "why would you want to do that?".

Anyway, I was looking for something like the record separator in Oracle SQL*Plus where a row of data (blank or made of symbols) separates two sets of data from within the same select query based on a column that's different. So for example, I have data like the following:
	DATENAME(dw, StartDate) AS 'Day'
	StartDate ASC, AnotherOrderByCol ASC, AndAnotherOrderByCol ASC

-- Yields
  1.  SELECT 
  2.      DATENAME(dw, StartDate) AS 'Day' 
  3.  FROM 
  4.      Timetable 
  5.  ORDER BY 
  6.      StartDate ASC, AnotherOrderByCol ASC, AndAnotherOrderByCol ASC 
  8.  -- Yields 
  9.  /* 
  10.  Day 
  11.  ---------------- 
  12.  Monday 
  13.  Monday 
  14.  Monday 
  15.  Tuesday 
  16.  Tuesday 
  17.  Wednesday 
  18.  Thursday 
  19.  Thursday 
  20.  Thursday 
  21.  Thursday 
  22.  Friday 
  23.  Friday 
  24.  */ 

Category: Transact-SQL :: Article: 394

So I find myself searching the web for a way of producing an outlook-style calendar within Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). Weekdays along the top and then dates inside. Additionally we would like this linked to events in a database.

I'm calling this project "Reinventing the Wheel" because the request was a report that was similar to an MS Outlook calendar which will display any room bookings for that month. This is "Reinventing" because we used to use MS Outlook to store these kind of things until the company implemented a software to deal with room bookings and said we shouldn't use Outlook for this...

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Feel free to copy, redistribute and share this information. All that we ask is that you attribute credit and possibly even a link back to this website as it really helps in our search engine rankings.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent a warranty. The opinions expressed are those of the author only. We recommend testing any solutions in a development environment before implementing them in production. The articles are based on our good faith efforts and were current at the time of writing, reflecting our practical experience in a commercial setting.

Thank you for visiting and, as always, we hope this website was of some use to you!

Kind Regards,

Joel Lipman

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