- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012
These were in a solution and I thought I'd note them on my site so I can refer to them more easily.
Let's start with a function that just converts a string of words delimited by spaces to a table:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[ufn_StringToTable] ( @StringInput VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS @OutputTable TABLE ( StringValue VARCHAR(10) ) AS /********************************************************************************* ** Description : This function returns a table populated with a row for each string value in the space separated string ** Assumptions : None ** Inputs : @StringInput = the space separated string values ** Outputs : Single table ** Output Rows : One row per space separated string value ** Return Values : None *********************************************************************************/ BEGIN DECLARE @StringValue VARCHAR(10) SET @StringInput = RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput)) WHILE LEN(@StringInput) > 0 BEGIN SET @StringValue = LEFT(@StringInput, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @StringInput) - 1, -1), LEN(@StringInput))) SET @StringInput = SUBSTRING(@StringInput, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @StringInput), 0), LEN(@StringInput)) + 1, LEN(@StringInput)) SET @StringInput = RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput)) INSERT INTO @OutputTable ( StringValue ) VALUES ( @StringValue ) END RETURN END
- CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[ufn_StringToTable]
- (
- @StringInput VARCHAR(MAX)
- )
- RETURNS @OutputTable TABLE ( StringValue VARCHAR(10) )
- AS
- /*********************************************************************************
- ** Description : This function returns a table populated with a row for each string value in the space separated string
- ** Assumptions : None
- ** Inputs : @StringInput = the space separated string values
- ** Outputs : Single table
- ** Output Rows : One row per space separated string value
- ** Return Values : None
- *********************************************************************************/
- DECLARE @StringValue VARCHAR(10)
- SET @StringInput = RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput))
- WHILE LEN(@StringInput) > 0
- SET @StringValue = LEFT(@StringInput,
- ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @StringInput) - 1, -1),
- LEN(@StringInput)))
- SET @StringInput = SUBSTRING(@StringInput,
- ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @StringInput), 0),
- LEN(@StringInput)) + 1, LEN(@StringInput))
- SET @StringInput = RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput))
- INSERT INTO @OutputTable ( StringValue )
- VALUES ( @StringValue )
Now we want to modify this slightly so that it converts a string of words delimited by pipes to a table:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[ufn_PipeStringToTable] ( @StringInput VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS @OutputTable TABLE ( StringValue VARCHAR(MAX) ) AS /********************************************************************************* ** Description : This function returns a table populated with a row for each string value in the pipe separated string ** Assumptions : None ** Inputs : @StringInput = the pipe separated string values ** Outputs : Single table ** Output Rows : One row per pipe separated string value ** Return Values : None *********************************************************************************/ BEGIN DECLARE @StringValue VARCHAR(MAX) -- Trim and remove last pipe character SET @StringInput = LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput)), LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput))) - 1) WHILE LEN(@StringInput) > 0 BEGIN SET @StringValue = LEFT(@StringInput, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX('|', @StringInput) - 1, -1), LEN(@StringInput))) SET @StringInput = SUBSTRING(@StringInput, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX('|', @StringInput), 0), LEN(@StringInput)) + 1, LEN(@StringInput)) SET @StringInput = RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput)) INSERT INTO @OutputTable ( StringValue ) VALUES ( @StringValue ) END RETURN END
- CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[ufn_PipeStringToTable]
- (
- @StringInput VARCHAR(MAX)
- )
- RETURNS @OutputTable TABLE ( StringValue VARCHAR(MAX) )
- AS
- /*********************************************************************************
- ** Description : This function returns a table populated with a row for each string value in the pipe separated string
- ** Assumptions : None
- ** Inputs : @StringInput = the pipe separated string values
- ** Outputs : Single table
- ** Output Rows : One row per pipe separated string value
- ** Return Values : None
- *********************************************************************************/
- -- Trim and remove last pipe character
- SET @StringInput = LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput)), LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput))) - 1)
- WHILE LEN(@StringInput) > 0
- SET @StringValue = LEFT(@StringInput,
- ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX('|', @StringInput) - 1, -1),
- LEN(@StringInput)))
- SET @StringInput = SUBSTRING(@StringInput,
- ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX('|', @StringInput), 0),
- LEN(@StringInput)) + 1, LEN(@StringInput))
- SET @StringInput = RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput))
- INSERT INTO @OutputTable ( StringValue )
- VALUES ( @StringValue )
And one more time for a more common purpose where it converts a string of words delimited by commas to a table:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_CommaStringToTable] ( @CommaSeparatedValues VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS @OutputTable TABLE ( StringValue VARCHAR(255) ) AS /********************************************************************************* ** Description : This function returns a table populated with a row for each string value in the comma separated string ** Assumptions : None ** Inputs : @CommaSeparatedValues = the comma separated string values ** Outputs : Single table ** Output Rows : One row per comma separated string value ** Return Values : None *********************************************************************************/ BEGIN DECLARE @IndexOfComma INT DECLARE @Value VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @StartPos INT DECLARE @EndPos INT DECLARE @LengthOfString INT DECLARE @ReachedEnd Char(1) SET @StartPos=1 SET @EndPos=0 SET @LengthOfString=LEN(@CommaSeparatedValues) SET @ReachedEnd='N' WHILE @ReachedEnd<>'Y' BEGIN SET @EndPos=CHARINDEX(',',@CommaSeparatedValues,@StartPos) IF @EndPos>0 BEGIN SET @Value = SUBSTRING(@CommaSeparatedValues, @StartPos, @EndPos-@StartPos) SET @StartPos=@EndPos+1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @ReachedEnd='Y' SET @Value = SUBSTRING(@CommaSeparatedValues, @StartPos, @LengthOfString-(@StartPos-1)) END SET @Value = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Value)) IF(@Value<>'') INSERT INTO @OutputTable(StringValue) VALUES(@Value) END RETURN END
- CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_CommaStringToTable]
- (
- @CommaSeparatedValues VARCHAR(MAX)
- )
- RETURNS @OutputTable TABLE ( StringValue VARCHAR(255) )
- AS
- /*********************************************************************************
- ** Description : This function returns a table populated with a row for each string value in the comma separated string
- ** Assumptions : None
- ** Inputs : @CommaSeparatedValues = the comma separated string values
- ** Outputs : Single table
- ** Output Rows : One row per comma separated string value
- ** Return Values : None
- *********************************************************************************/
- DECLARE @IndexOfComma INT
- DECLARE @LengthOfString INT
- DECLARE @ReachedEnd Char(1)
- SET @StartPos=1
- SET @EndPos=0
- SET @LengthOfString=LEN(@CommaSeparatedValues)
- SET @ReachedEnd='N'
- WHILE @ReachedEnd<>'Y'
- SET @EndPos=CHARINDEX(',',@CommaSeparatedValues,@StartPos)
- IF @EndPos>0
- SET @Value = SUBSTRING(@CommaSeparatedValues, @StartPos, @EndPos-@StartPos)
- SET @StartPos=@EndPos+1
- SET @ReachedEnd='Y'
- SET @Value = SUBSTRING(@CommaSeparatedValues, @StartPos, @LengthOfString-(@StartPos-1))
- SET @Value = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Value))
- IF(@Value<>'') INSERT INTO @OutputTable(StringValue) VALUES(@Value)