Previously titled
Fix PHP cURL: parser error: Document labelled UTF-16 but has UTF-8 content
This is an article with notes for me on how to convert some received XML encoded in UTF-16 to ...
... return character, the app would crash because it didn't understand the data. I tried replacing the new lines but just stopping the return key or trying to catch it is an obsolete method.
The ...
-- Trim and remove last pipe character
SET @StringInput = LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput)), LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringInput))) - 1)
WHILE LEN(@StringInput) ...
... than zero
length Specifies the exact number of characters or list items allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero
maxExclusive Specifies the upper bounds for numeric values (the value ...
... characters:
Test the XET export and you should get something like:
If the code and it's short name/full name exist in the database, this works accordingly. If however, ...
... This example will rename files which contain the string " (Copy)" and replace it with nothing (so removes it). The challenge here is the space character and delimiting by a string.
The Gist
-- ...
... 21-Jul-2014 22-Jul-2014 23-Jul-2014 24-Jul-2014 25-Jul-2014
To do this in a select query resultset, you insert the special character references "CHAR(10)" [line feed] and "CHAR(13)" ...
... /256 :: turn off very long path (> 256 characters) support.
/MON:n :: MONitor source; run again when more than n changes seen.
/MOT:m :: MOnitor source; run again ...
... REGEXP_LIKE(S_SURNAME, '[^a-zA-Z0-9]')
-- returns all rows where the student surname contains non-alphanumeric characters
-- eg. O'Brien will be returned
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