... in it's simplest form and if I want to torture my successors, I'll complicate the function myself.
Functions are supposed to return a single value, which is all I need in this case. In my example, ...
... a few functions out there. One called "strip_tags" crashed in the running of the query. The function that did work errored persistently complaining about the delimiter, create the function by running ...
I have googled, binged and asked but to no avail. Some self-proclaimed IT experts in forums said "why would you want to do that?". Unhelpful Bellends. It's a bit like asking me "Why can't I turn on ...
... by SKAN which lists all the functions for a specified Dynamic Link Library (DLL) along with an inputbox for convenience:
InputBox, FunctionToDo, DLL File, Enter the name of the DLL file you want to ...
As you can tell these are my messed up functions that convert dates into seconds and vice-versa. They're a little disorganised but they're the ones I copy and paste to my scripts then modify.
In it' ...
... ROLLUP is interesting, think I'm looking in the wrong place.
Using Aggregate Functions?
What follows is the T-SQL Query I finally went with. Lots of numbers but I think this pretty much answered ...
... to be handled by existing Joomla! CMS features. I also needed a component which isolated the download functions external to Joomla! for performance purposes.
What makes this one different to others, ...
... - The following Methods will be used throughout this tutorial. (comparable to built-in functions for AHK)
alert(), getElementById(), getElementsByName(), getElementsByTagName(), focus(), click()
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