... people on the net, I've been given a datasource with names and addresses all in UPPERCASE. Initially, no one seemed bothered but now the request came through asking if this could be restored to a normal ...
A quick article on if you were given a webpage coded in HTML, what methods in AutoHotkey could you use to separate out the HTML Tables into a ListView.
I want a snippet of code that ...
License.txt: Released under GNU/GPL
What is it?
I wanted my own IP lookup script to tell me the country that is
allocated a given IP address, this is what I use.
The scripts ...
... column will have a string of 8 characters long in the format DDMMYYYY and on other rows, this is blank with spaces instead, I still get the Error: The conditional operation failed.
-- I've been given ...
... In other words, 1.0 in decimal, formatted to time is equal to 24 hours; 0.5 would be 12 hours and so forth. My formula:
-- Given Cell B5 = 0.14 person days from above example.
-- 1 person day = ...
... to use the system you were given. Given a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) where deleting some erroneous rows in one table will cause errors because the existence of those rows is stored in ...
Just a quick note on how to format a given filesize and to reduce the display output to a small string, eg:
196 bytes : displays as => "196 bytes"
12945 bytes : displays ...
... and the data types will be correct and maybe they'll resolve issues faster than if they were given scrambled data (see my articles on DataJumble and DataScramble).
CREATE PROCEDURE [Common].[usp_ScrambleMultivalue]
@TableName ...
This is a quick note to show you how to convert a given comma delimited string into a database table:
Given: "Title,Forenames,Surname"
ID Value
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