... workflow Load of the form
Name the workflow, I'm calling mine OnLoad
Add New Action > Deluge Script:
And I add the following to my deluge script, to remove the label "Tabs":
v_Css = "";
v_Css ...
A quick article to take a list of options from a HTML select element and convert to a Zoho Deluge list that will eventually be used to populate a dropdown.
Because I find myself doing ...
... for the next step: CSS styling):
Apply the following styling (this will depend on the theme you are using):
.zc-Save_and_Close-group .decision-box-field label{
display:none !important;
.zc-Save_and_Close-group ...
... to update the field with label "Group Name" but API name "Grouping" in a list item column.
The standard code you used to use even for REST API v2.0 would have been something like the following:
// ...
... // get seconds ago
$v_Seconds = strtotime('now') - strtotime($p_Date);
// set unit labels
$a_UnitLabels = array('year','month','week','day','hour','minute','second');
// set unit values
This is an article documenting how to access ZohoCRM with API v2 using PHP and cURL. The first few functions are to manage OAuth v2 and generate the refresh and access tokens. The second snippet ...
What I have:
A CSV file exported from Excel along with double-quotes
What I want:
To read the file (stored on the server) and ...
... 3.2.2 MargeE - Fixed Bug: Correction if only one exclusion category selected- Date Uploaded: Thu, 27th Mar 2014 3.2.1 JoomlaGate - Enhancement: Label parameters in XML and language file review- Date ...
Previously titled
Fix PHP cURL: parser error: Document labelled UTF-16 but has UTF-8 content
This is an article with notes for me on how to convert some received XML encoded in UTF-16 to ...
Determine your JDK folder dir jdk* and append the \bin. Note this for later.
Right-click on the "Computer" icon/label (desktop / start menu)
Select Properties
Click on Change settings or Advanced ...
... of it.
To test the XET I created, I want to see what the resulting XML will look like so that my post-staging phase can be developed as it will know what the data and label fields look like. ...
... This has to be a label to the name of the column enclosed between square brackets or double-quotes:
calendar.WeekNumber AS [Academic Week],
-- ...
Applies to:
Joomla CMS v3.2.3 (Joomla.org)
jComments v3.0.0 (JoomlaTune.com)
PlayThru v1.1.8 (AreYouAHuman.com)
This article is a follow on from my article JComments 2.3 with PlayThru ...
I'm writing a Joomla 2.5.x component for logging time and projects and need a dropdown to have selectable options restricted to the logged-in user. This is specified in the XML file of the custom ...
... to check:
Check the email message even exists:
Login to your Joomla Admin Panel
Navigate to Extensions > Language Manager
Click on the “Overrides” label
Click on “New” (but don’t create a ...
- Applies to Joomla 2.5.x +, 3.4.x
So I can't stand the way the default "Search" component in Joomla works. The default is to sort the results by popularity (hits) or by most recently ...
... made this work with the parentheses but only after refreshing ALL DATA in the spreadsheet and reconfiguring which fields go in "Report Filter", "Column Labels", "Row Labels" and sum "Values". But because ...
... identified by the labels mentioned below.
What data does Joes Infographic for Joomla (JIJ) need?
Summary Period Report (details on your awstats report)
Monthly History (per month per year)
Days ...
... }
Method #2
This method only uses two columns with the label being a concatenation of the value of the first column and the column heading.
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