Following on from my article: ZohoCRM: Get All eBay Active Listings, this is how to get all the orders from a client's eBay.
Our use-case is a data migration from eBay to a fresh instance ...
... = ifnull(invoice.get("balance"),0);
// Get custom Amount to Pay from Invoice
l_CustomFields = invoice.get("custom_fields");
if(l_CustomFields.size() > 0)
for each m_CustomField in l_CustomFields
if(m_CustomField.get("label") ...
Another one of these articles talking about getting all the active product listings from eBay for a specific client.
Our use-case scenario here is that we want to get an inventory ...
An article on how I can query all the orders for yesterday without using the eBay GUI Selling website. I've included the code to parse out the information as well.
Because I need this ...
... 200)
// retrieve the answer in text
l_Choices = r_ChatGPTResponse.get("responseText").get("choices");
for each m_Choice in l_Choices
/ ...
... // check if end date is specified and if it is then add to this row
v_EndDate = null;
v_EndDateValue = ZDK.Page.getField('Actual_Finish_Date').getValue();
if (v_EndDateValue !== null) ...
... AS "PO Item Tax",
poi."Quantity" AS "PO Qty",
poi."FCY Tax Amount" AS "PO Line Tax",
if_null(pshipping."PO Delivery", 0) AS "PO Total Shipping",
if_null(pdiscrepancy."PO Discrepancy Total", 0 ...
... r_CandidateDetails;
if(!isNull(r_CandidateDetails.get("Which School do you go to?")))
v_SchoolName = r_CandidateDetails.get("Which School do you go to?");
v_SchoolID = r_CandidateDetails.get("Which ...
... get the quote details given a record ID
r_QuoteDetails = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Quotes",p_QuoteID);
// check target email is not null/blank
v_Url ...
... hasn't been populated
l_Appointments = Appointment[Zoho_Inventory_Package_Slips == null] sort by Added_Time desc range from 0 to 100;
for each c_Appt in l_Appointments
// get package references ...
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