... specify system/application offset
v_ApplicationTimeOffset = "-05:00";
// customer is in (America/Los_Angeles)
v_CustomerCallTime = '2021-11-19 08:12:34';
// set system/application date time ...
... I call my subform "Quoted Items" and specify this having the fields "Ref, Item, SKU, Description, Quantity, RRP, Discount, Total". Add the subform to your document and ensure that none of the fields hav ...
... photo to CRM:
// init
v_AppOwner = "joel_the_awesomest";
v_AppName = "joels_app";
v_ReportName = "My_Report";
// specify your CRM record ID for this product
v_CrmProductID = 1234567890123456789;
// ...
... I use but you will need to adapt it for your own system:
// init (specify your own organization ID for Zoho Books)
v_BooksOrgID = 20210922122;
m_BooksCreateSO = Map();
// get CRM record details
r_SoDetails ...
... correction: I want to specify a from datetime
v_NowTime = '2021-09-21 21:27:15';
// now specify a to datetime (we're doing a working day so we add 1 business day)
v_NextTime = zoho.currentdate.addBusinessDay(1).toString("yyyy-MM-dd ...
... = r_Api.API_Version;
v_Endpoint = "https://api.ebay.com/ws/api.dll";
v_APICallName = "SetNotificationPreferences";
// specify the URL of the CRM REST API Function here (can be a mailto:email@address)
v_CrmRestFunction ...
... > Modules and Fields
Hover the mouse cursor over the "Products" module and then over the ellipsis
Click on "Customize Tax Rates"
For our clients in the UK, we tend to specify the tax rates as "Standard ...
... it Shopify - Webhook - Order Update
Specify the Category, I'm going to say Standalone
Specify the Function parameters/Arguments EXACTLY as this: crmAPIRequest of data type string. IMPORTANT! It won ...
... this example, I will leave this as "void")
for Arguments
Specify a parameter name of your choosing, in our example I am going to prefix it with "l_" (for list) and the plural of what kind of records I ...
... into 3 stages:
Zoho Creator: Specify Custom Domain
Domain Registrar: Setup subdomain and add CNAME
Zoho Support: Get Zoho to setup SSL
1. Setup Custom Domain
So go into your Zoho Creator ...
... custom javascript file referring to the ZOHO.CREATOR.init() and calling Creator records.
./plugin-manifest.json: JSON specifying service as "CREATOR".
When trying npm install -g zoho-extension-toolkit: ...
... or populate a list of the files in the script directory, the 2nd to do the actual renaming. A text field is provided (defaults to A_ScriptDir) to specify what folder to scan for files. The 3rd button ...
... = invokeurl
url :v_DataEndpoint
type :GET
connection: myConnector
Solution: My endpoint was specifying COM instead of EU as per the client's data center:
v_DataEndpoint = "https://books.zoho.eu/api/v3/contacts?organization_id=123456789";
r_Response ...
... month is before the current date, then set it to the last Tuesday of next month.
This was a request by a client who instead of specifying the 1st of every month, or 15th of each month, to say ...
... or account, and specifying the quantity for each.
So depending on the number of levels, the count will be with a series if then else statements. See the results/yield section to determine ...
... each column:
1. Specify that the data is delimited
2. Specify the data is delimited by commas
3. Specify which columns should be imported as text (the long numbers and phone numbers) ...
... the following:
/* Specify a blank prefix which is fully transparent */
ul.breadcrumb a span:before {
content: '';
transition: all 1s ease;
transition-property: width, opacity;
/* ...
This is an article resolving an issue where a template will shrink all the text when in PDF preview.
Ok doesn't need a song and dance about it, but I went home yesterday downtrodden ...
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