- Joomla! CMS 2.5.x
Joomla Filter: Validation OnSave
- INT Forces the value to be an Integer
- UINT Forces the value to be an absolute number (-4.2 becomes 4.2)
- FLOAT Forces the value to be a floating point value
- BOOL Forces the value to be true or false
- WORD Strips anything that is not letters (including numbers)
- ALNUM Forces the value to be alphanumeric (Letters and numbers only. No special characters)
- CMD Forces the value to be alphanumeric plus the following three special characters _ (underscore) . (dot) - (dash)
- BASE64 Forces the value to be a base64 encoded the string. Note it does not encode the string, it simply strips characters that may not exist in a base 64 encoded string.
- HTML Allows basic HTML
- ARRAY Forces value to be an array
- PATH Forces value to be a file path
- USERNAME Forces value to only contain characters allowed in the selection of a Joomla username
- UNSET Completely remove any input
- RAW Allow any content
- URL Forces content to be a URL
- TEL Forces content to be a properly formatted US phone number