T-SQL functions to convert Strings to Tables
- Joel Lipman
- Transact-SQL
- Hits: 7366
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012
These were in a solution and I thought I'd note them on my site so I can refer to them more easily.
SELECT EmployeeNo , DaysOffSick , DateOfSickness FROM Employees_Attendance_Table -- yields EmployeeNo DaysOffSick DateOfSickness -------------- -------------- ---------------- 001 1.00 1997-11-17 002 3.00 2000-02-18 003 2.00 1999-02-25
EmployeeNo DaysOffSick DateOfSickness -------------- -------------- ---------------- 001 1.00 1997-11-17 002 1.00 2000-02-18 002 1.00 2000-02-19 002 1.00 2000-02-20 003 1.00 1999-02-25 003 1.00 1999-02-26 -- note the dates increment and do not account for days off (eg. Saturday / Sunday)
String1.String2.String3.String4 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 -> length = 31
Before: StudentID StudentName DateOfBirth ----------- -------------------- ------------- 1 John Smith 1990-03-21 2 Fred Bloggs 1988-11-02 3 Another User 1985-07-11 4 Yet Another User 1977-06-25 After: StudentID StudentName DateOfBirth ----------- -------------------- ------------- 1 PDUHjRWJcb 1926-01-02 2 WRmNqQKxvuV 1969-03-14 3 nBCkAVDrvdhe 1968-05-05 4 RJDsFMaeNcLrcMWw 1964-08-08
ID Name DateOfBirth --------- ------------ ----------- 1 John Smith 1988-06-24 2 Fred Bloggs 1972-11-17 3 Another User 1964-02-18
ID Name DateOfBirth --------- ------------ ----------- 1 Fred Bloggs 1964-02-18 2 Another User 1988-06-24 3 John Smith 1972-11-17
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deluge added function uploaded client field files server mysql system work website form source parameter need code following report table using windows where file used find user zoho date name would note page creator value first license display script version case joomla order data create list database record error time JoelLipman.Com