A quick article on how to get the value of 40°4′20″N 116°35′51″E into 40.079857, 116.603112.
Let's pretend all the names are in column A, in Column B I have the coordinates that I want to convert:
A B ------------------------------------- ---------------------- Beijing Capital International Airport 40°4′20″N 116°35′51″E Beijing Shahezhen Air Base 40°8′57″N 116°19′17″E Beijing Tongxian Air Base 39°48′40″N 116°42′30″E
- A B
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------
- Beijing Capital International Airport 40°4′20″N 116°35′51″E
- Beijing Shahezhen Air Base 40°8′57″N 116°19′17″E
- Beijing Tongxian Air Base 39°48′40″N 116°42′30″E
Note that I tend to copy the coordinates off a website which has strange apostrophes and double-quotes. You can change this but remember to put two double-quotes if you are searching on it, eg:
FIND(""",B1) // will NOT work! FIND("""",B1) // will work FIND("″",B1) // will work
- FIND(""",B1)  // will NOT work!
- FIND("""",B1)  // will work
- FIND("″",B1)  // will work
You could merge all the statements into one but for simplicity's sake I'm putting each step here:
In column C put the formula: In column D put the formula:
In column E put the formula:
=MID(B1,FIND("°",B1)+1, FIND("′",B1)- FIND("°",B1) - 1)
- =MID(B1,FIND("°",B1)+1, FIND("′",B1)- FIND("°",B1) - 1)
In column F put the formula:
In column G put the formula:
=MID(B1,FIND("′",B1)+1, FIND("″",B1)- FIND("′",B1) - 1)
- =MID(B1,FIND("′",B1)+1, FIND("″",B1)- FIND("′",B1) - 1)
In column H put the formula:
=MID(B1, FIND(F1, B1)+1, FIND("°", B1, FIND(F1,B1)) - FIND(F1,B1) - 1) // if there is a space between the two =MID(B1, FIND(F1, B1)+2, FIND("°", B1, FIND(F1,B1)) - FIND(F1,B1) - 2)
- =MID(B1, FIND(F1, B1)+1, FIND("°", B1, FIND(F1,B1)) - FIND(F1,B1) - 1)
- // if there is a space between the two
- =MID(B1, FIND(F1, B1)+2, FIND("°", B1, FIND(F1,B1)) - FIND(F1,B1) - 2)
In column I put the formula:
- =MID(B1,FIND("°",B1,FIND(F1,B1))+1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(F1,B1))-FIND("°",B1,FIND(F1,B1))-1)
In column J put the formula:
In column K put the formula:
In column L put the formula:
In column M put the formula:
In column N put the formula:
There we go! Column M has your latitude and Column N has your longitude.=MID(B1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(F1,B1))+1,FIND("″",B1,FIND(F1,B1))-FIND("′",B1,FIND(F1,B1))-1)
- =MID(B1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(F1,B1))+1,FIND("″",B1,FIND(F1,B1))-FIND("′",B1,FIND(F1,B1))-1)
With the example above, this should return:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N -------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------ Beijing Capital International Airport 40°4′20″N 116°35′51″E 40 4 20 N 116 35 51 E 40.07222222 116.597500000 40.07222222 116.5975 Beijing Shahezhen Air Base 40°8′57″N 116°19′17″E 40 8 57 N 116 19 17 E 40.14916667 116.321388889 40.14916667 116.3213889 Beijing Tongxian Air Base 39°48′40″N 116°42′30″E 39 48 40 N 116 42 30 E 39.81111111 116.708333333 39.81111111 116.7083333
- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
- -------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------
- Beijing Capital International Airport 40°4′20″N 116°35′51″E 40 4 20 N 116 35 51 E 40.07222222 116.597500000 40.07222222 116.5975
- Beijing Shahezhen Air Base 40°8′57″N 116°19′17″E 40 8 57 N 116 19 17 E 40.14916667 116.321388889 40.14916667 116.3213889
- Beijing Tongxian Air Base 39°48′40″N 116°42′30″E 39 48 40 N 116 42 30 E 39.81111111 116.708333333 39.81111111 116.7083333
Note that negative numbers should be supported. I tend to use Excel to reduce the decimal point to only 7 decimal places (for importing to a database where DECIMAL(10,7) ).
Merging the lot
If B1 contains the coordinates and there is a space after the first letter (N or S):
// for latitude =IF(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1)="N", (MID(B1, 1, FIND("°", B1)-1) + (MID(B1,FIND("°",B1)+1, FIND("′",B1)- FIND("°",B1) - 1)/60) + (MID(B1,FIND("′",B1)+1, FIND("″",B1)- FIND("′",B1) - 1)/3600)), (MID(B1, 1, FIND("°", B1)-1) + (MID(B1,FIND("°",B1)+1, FIND("′",B1)- FIND("°",B1) - 1)/60) + (MID(B1,FIND("′",B1)+1, FIND("″",B1)- FIND("′",B1) - 1)/3600)) * -1) // for longitude =IF(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,1)="E", (MID(B1, FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1), B1)+2, FIND("°", B1, FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1)) - FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1) -2) + (MID(B1,FIND("°",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-FIND("°",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-1)/60) + (MID(B1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,FIND("″",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-1)/3600)), (MID(B1, FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1), B1)+2, FIND("°", B1, FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1)) - FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1) -2) + (MID(B1,FIND("°",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-FIND("°",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-1)/60) + (MID(B1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,FIND("″",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-1)/3600)) * -1)
- // for latitude
- =IF(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1)="N", (MID(B1, 1, FIND("°", B1)-1) + (MID(B1,FIND("°",B1)+1, FIND("′",B1)- FIND("°",B1) - 1)/60) + (MID(B1,FIND("′",B1)+1, FIND("″",B1)- FIND("′",B1) - 1)/3600)), (MID(B1, 1, FIND("°", B1)-1) + (MID(B1,FIND("°",B1)+1, FIND("′",B1)- FIND("°",B1) - 1)/60) + (MID(B1,FIND("′",B1)+1, FIND("″",B1)- FIND("′",B1) - 1)/3600)) * -1)
- // for longitude
- =IF(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,1)="E", (MID(B1, FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1), B1)+2, FIND("°", B1, FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1)) - FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1) -2) + (MID(B1,FIND("°",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-FIND("°",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-1)/60) + (MID(B1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,FIND("″",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-1)/3600)), (MID(B1, FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1), B1)+2, FIND("°", B1, FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1)) - FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1) -2) + (MID(B1,FIND("°",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-FIND("°",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-1)/60) + (MID(B1,FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))+1,FIND("″",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-FIND("′",B1,FIND(MID(B1,FIND("″",B1)+1, 1),B1))-1)/3600)) * -1)
Category: Excel :: Article: 596