Mootools - How to contain a menu sidebar between header and footer

This has taken me too long to figure out and I hope I don't lose this note again. The only website that was titled similarly kept slowing down my computer too much so I decided to work out my own. The complexity is due to content also being dynamically resized in height.

Basically I have a menu in a sidebar, I don't want it to overlap the header nor the footer.I have a content page next to it which changes in height dynamically (a separate mootool function to this one).

So this is my take on it, if anyone has a better idea, I'd really appreciate it.
window.addEvent('scroll', function() {

    var menu_highest_top = $('jdo_marker_table').getCoordinates().top;
    var menu_height = $('jdo_actions').getCoordinates().height;
    var component_top = $('jdo_overall').getCoordinates().top;
    var component_height = $('jdo_overall').getCoordinates().height;
	var match_lowest_y = component_height + component_top - menu_height;
	var match_highest_y = menu_highest_top + (component_top - menu_highest_top);

	if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) {
		if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > menu_highest_top || self.pageYOffset > menu_highest_top) {
			if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > match_lowest_y || self.pageYOffset > match_lowest_y) {
				$('jdo_actions').style.position = 'absolute';
				$('jdo_actions') = match_lowest_y + 'px';
			} else {
				$('jdo_actions').style.position = 'fixed';
				$('jdo_actions') = '5px';
		} else {
			$('jdo_actions').style.position = 'relative';
			$('jdo_actions') = '0px';
// still to do: smoothscroll? if already overlaps then flicks up
  1.  window.addEvent('scroll', function() { 
  3.      var menu_highest_top = $('jdo_marker_table').getCoordinates().top; 
  4.      var menu_height = $('jdo_actions').getCoordinates().height; 
  5.      var component_top = $('jdo_overall').getCoordinates().top; 
  6.      var component_height = $('jdo_overall').getCoordinates().height; 
  7.      var match_lowest_y = component_height + component_top - menu_height; 
  8.      var match_highest_y = menu_highest_top + (component_top - menu_highest_top)
  10.      if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) { 
  11.          if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > menu_highest_top || self.pageYOffset > menu_highest_top) { 
  12.              if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > match_lowest_y || self.pageYOffset > match_lowest_y) { 
  13.                  $('jdo_actions').style.position = 'absolute'
  14.                  $('jdo_actions') = match_lowest_y + 'px'
  15.              } else { 
  16.                  $('jdo_actions').style.position = 'fixed'
  17.                  $('jdo_actions') = '5px'
  18.              } 
  19.          } else { 
  20.              $('jdo_actions').style.position = 'relative'
  21.              $('jdo_actions') = '0px'
  22.          } 
  23.      } 
  24.  })
  25.  // still to do: smoothscroll? if already overlaps then flicks up 
Category: MooTools Framework :: Article: 426

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Kind Regards,

Joel Lipman

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