So going through the forums you may find the following example:
string padWithLeadingZeros(int finalStringLength, int startingNumber)
return leftpad(toString(input.startingNumber), input.finalStringLength).replaceAll(" ...
... Put simply, "Closed" are events in the past and "Open" are events in the future. The "is_open" in tasks is misleading and cannot be used in the request for events. There are hardly any parameters you can ...
... folder.
Index File: put here the root html file along with the path (do not forget the leading slash or your widget will error)
Click on "Create" (bottom-right of your screen)
Now go to a Creator ...
... "")
; loop until there are no more double spaces
while InStr( v_NewName, " ")
v_NewName := StrReplace( v_NewName, " ", " ")
; trim any leading/trailing spaces ...
... so long as the link does not portray MYCOMPANY, its associates, or their products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive matter. You may not use any MYCOMPANY logo or other ...
This is an article explaining the code needed to write a PHP script which generates an access token for a service account which in turn is used to list files in a team's Google Drive.
This is ...
A quick article on how to trim in MySQL along with getting rid of any leading or trailing tab characters.
I use MS Excel for organizing data and then converting to MySQL commands. ...
... XML declaration from results
$output = substr($output, stripos($output, '?>') + 2 );
// remove leading spaces, carriage returns
$output = trim($output);
// process if type specified was xml
... with leading zeros (for sorting purposes - eg. so 10 is not before 2)
Store both the formatted count and the value of column1.table in the next array entry
Reverse this array
Display ...
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