So I needed to clear space on a workstation's C drive. There are other programs about and even some built-in to MS Windows that could potentially be used.
This is a quick article on how to write an AutoHotkey program to simply return the folders in the drive and display the size of all the files/folders contained within.
So I'll be putting this program for download from the download section of this website but I don't expect anyone to trust an executable EXE so here's the code of what it's doing which you can copy and paste to an AutoHotkey script:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set program Defaults ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title := "Joes Folder Sizes" Desc := "This program will display folders and their respective sizes." Width := 500 Height := 360 BgColor := "FFFFFF" MarginX := 2 MarginY := 2 Options := "+Caption +Border +ToolWindow -Resize -MaximizeBox -MinimizeBox +OwnDialogs" BaseDir := "C:\Windows\Temp" ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create Icons ImageListID := IL_Create(5) Loop 5 IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", A_Index) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create GUI Gui, New, %Options%, %Title% Gui, Color, %BgColor% Gui, Margin, %MarginX%, %MarginY% Gui, Add, Edit, x2 y2 w406 vMyBaseDir +Disabled, %BaseDir% Gui, Add, Button, x408 y1 w90 h23 vMyButtonBrowse gButtonBrowse, Browse... Gui, Add, TreeView, x2 y25 w496 h310 vMyFolderTree ImageList%ImageListID% Gui, Add, StatusBar, v_StatusBar Gui, Show, w%Width% h%Height% xCenter yCenter SB_SetText("Ready.") Return ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: LoopThrough: loops through folders and counts file sizes (including subfolders) LoopThrough: SB_SetText("Reading current directory...") vTotalSize = 0 Loop, Files, %MyBaseDir%\*, F { vTotalSize := vTotalSize + A_LoopFileSize } vListingEntry := "<current_dir> (" autoByteFormat(vTotalSize) ")" P0:=TV_Add(vListingEntry, 0, "Icon1") Loop, Files, %MyBaseDir%\*, D { vThisFolder := MyBaseDir "\" A_LoopFileName SB_SetText("Reading " vThisFolder "...") vListingEntry := A_LoopFileName " (" autoByteFormat(GetFileFolderSize(vThisFolder)) ")" P1:=TV_Add(vListingEntry, 0, "Icon4") } SB_SetText("Ready.") Return ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: ButtonBrowse: Onclick allows user to select a folder to scan ButtonBrowse: FileSelectFolder, vSelectedFolder, 3, , Select a folder if vSelectedFolder = MsgBox, You didn't select a folder. else { vSelectedFolder := RegExReplace(vSelectedFolder, "\\$") ; Removes the trailing backslash, if present. GuiControl, , MyBaseDir, %vSelectedFolder% } Gui, Submit, NoHide GoSub, ClearTreeView GoSub, LoopThrough Return ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: ClearTreeView: Clears the current TreeView ClearTreeView: TV_Delete() Return ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; converts Size (in bytes) to byte(s)/KB/MB/GB/TB (uses best option) ; decimalPlaces is the number of decimal places to round ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- autoByteFormat(size, decimalPlaces = 2) { static size1 = "KB", size2 = "MB", size3 = "GB", size4 = "TB" sizeIndex := 0 while (size >= 1024) { sizeIndex++ size /= 1024.0 if (sizeIndex = 4) break } return (sizeIndex = 0) ? size " byte" . (size != 1 ? "s" : "") : round(size, decimalPlaces) . " " . size%sizeIndex% } ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; function to loop through files/subfolders and total the file sizes GetFileFolderSize(fPath="") { FolderSize := 0 if InStr(FileExist(fPath), "D") { Loop, %fPath%\*.*, 1, 1 FolderSize += %A_LoopFileSize% Size := % FolderSize ? FolderSize : 0 Return, Size } else if (FileExist(fPath) <> "") { FileGetSize, FileSize, %fPath% Size := % FileSize ? FileSize : 0 Return, Size } else Return, -1 } ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Closing subroutine GuiClose: CloseMe: ExitApp
- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
- #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
- SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
- SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
- #SingleInstance force
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Set program Defaults
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Title := "Joes Folder Sizes"
- Desc := "This program will display folders and their respective sizes."
- Width := 500
- Height := 360
- BgColor := "FFFFFF"
- MarginX := 2
- MarginY := 2
- Options := "+Caption +Border +ToolWindow -Resize -MaximizeBox -MinimizeBox +OwnDialogs"
- BaseDir := "C:\Windows\Temp"
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Create Icons
- ImageListID := IL_Create(5)
- Loop 5
- IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", A_Index)
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Create GUI
- Gui, New, %Options%, %Title%
- Gui, Color, %BgColor%
- Gui, Margin, %MarginX%, %MarginY%
- Gui, Add, Edit, x2 y2 w406 vMyBaseDir +Disabled, %BaseDir%
- Gui, Add, Button, x408 y1 w90 h23 vMyButtonBrowse gButtonBrowse, Browse...
- Gui, Add, TreeView, x2 y25 w496 h310 vMyFolderTree ImageList%ImageListID%
- Gui, Add, StatusBar, v_StatusBar
- Gui, Show, w%Width% h%Height% xCenter yCenter
- SB_SetText("Ready.")
- Return
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Subroutine: LoopThrough: loops through folders and counts file sizes (including subfolders)
- LoopThrough:
- SB_SetText("Reading current directory...")
- vTotalSize = 0
- Loop, Files, %MyBaseDir%\*, F
- {
- vTotalSize := vTotalSize + A_LoopFileSize
- }
- vListingEntry := "<current_dir> (" autoByteFormat(vTotalSize) ")"
- P0:=TV_Add(vListingEntry, 0, "Icon1")
- Loop, Files, %MyBaseDir%\*, D
- {
- vThisFolder := MyBaseDir "\" A_LoopFileName
- SB_SetText("Reading " vThisFolder "...")
- vListingEntry := A_LoopFileName " (" autoByteFormat(GetFileFolderSize(vThisFolder)) ")"
- P1:=TV_Add(vListingEntry, 0, "Icon4")
- }
- SB_SetText("Ready.")
- Return
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Subroutine: ButtonBrowse: Onclick allows user to select a folder to scan
- ButtonBrowse:
- FileSelectFolder, vSelectedFolder, 3, , Select a folder
- if vSelectedFolder =
- MsgBox, You didn't select a folder.
- else
- {
- vSelectedFolder := RegExReplace(vSelectedFolder, "\\$") ; Removes the trailing backslash, if present.
- GuiControl, , MyBaseDir, %vSelectedFolder%
- }
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- GoSub, ClearTreeView
- GoSub, LoopThrough
- Return
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Subroutine: ClearTreeView: Clears the current TreeView
- ClearTreeView:
- TV_Delete()
- Return
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; converts Size (in bytes) to byte(s)/KB/MB/GB/TB (uses best option)
- ; decimalPlaces is the number of decimal places to round
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- autoByteFormat(size, decimalPlaces = 2)
- {
- static size1 = "KB", size2 = "MB", size3 = "GB", size4 = "TB"
- sizeIndex := 0
- while (size >= 1024)
- {
- sizeIndex++
- size /= 1024.0
- if (sizeIndex = 4)
- break
- }
- return (sizeIndex = 0) ? size " byte" . (size != 1 ? "s" : "")
- : round(size, decimalPlaces) . " " . size%sizeIndex%
- }
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; function to loop through files/subfolders and total the file sizes
- GetFileFolderSize(fPath="")
- {
- FolderSize := 0
- if InStr(FileExist(fPath), "D")
- {
- Loop, %fPath%\*.*, 1, 1
- FolderSize += %A_LoopFileSize%
- Size := % FolderSize ? FolderSize : 0
- Return, Size
- }
- else if (FileExist(fPath) <> "")
- {
- FileGetSize, FileSize, %fPath%
- Size := % FileSize ? FileSize : 0
- Return, Size
- }
- else
- Return, -1
- }
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Closing subroutine
- GuiClose:
- CloseMe:
- ExitApp