Shame the soundtrack is so corny but otherwise I liked this video...
{youtube}PqfwNbB0QqQ{/youtube}Google Chrome's YouTube Video
- Joel Lipman
- Hits: 7098
Shame the soundtrack is so corny but otherwise I liked this video...
{youtube}PqfwNbB0QqQ{/youtube}What? A quick article on how to replace the return key on a soft keyboard (software based) on a touch-device. Why? I have an editText...
What? If you're installing an app and it creates two icons: Why? I don't think I'll forget this one but I was stumped for...
What? A super quick article to show how to link to the thumbnail image of a Google Drive file, in this case a video...
Apparently everyoneknows how to download FLV videos from web addresses which use the Youtube syntax:...
Source: art: painting, art workshop,...
The jury's still out on this one. I have noticed a slight improvement in my page loads but will have to carry out...
Shame the soundtrack is so corny but otherwise I liked this video... {youtube}PqfwNbB0QqQ{/youtube}