... Required!
ZohoCRM.modules.. or ZohoCRM.modules.all
Click Create and Connect
You will be prompted to allow permissions, so click on "Accept/Allow"
2. Determine the client datacenter
Look at ...
... should have something like the following:
Click on "Create and Connect"
You will get a popup confirming what this app will access and you should click on "Accept":
A quick popup will appear ...
... it "myconnector".
Ensure that as a minimum, the scope ZohoBooks.salesorders.CREATE is ticked.
Click on "Authorize"
Read the notice saying Creator would like access to bla bla bla and click on "Accept" ...
Tick the applicable Scope(s): for example: "ZohoCRM.settings.fields.READ"
Click on "Create" and then on "Accept" in the popup.
You should be redirected to a page which lists the "status" as connecte ...
... but less than 2 weeks ago
I know there are so many examples out there that do this perhaps better but this one I understand and can customize to fit my needs.
This PHP function accepts ...
... MYCOMPANY and its associates provide their services to you subject to the following conditions. If you visit or shop within this website, you accept these conditions. Please read them carefully.
Please ...
... size of about 11Mb. In order for an import process to work, the import would only accept XLS files no greater than 1Mb. So our script has to split a single spreadsheet into multiple worksheets of 3000 ...
This is an article documenting how to access ZohoCRM with API v2 using PHP and cURL. The first few functions are to manage OAuth v2 and generate the refresh and access tokens. The second snippet ...
Ensure all text fields in the database are set to a UTF-8 charset (eg. utf8_general_ci)
Ensure headers are setting the charset to UTF-8
Add the charset attribute to posting HTML forms: accept-charset="utf-8" ...
... is an accepted answer over the web because as soon as I put a WHERE clause in the statements and check the numbers, only method 1 and 2 return the correct number. I'm still unsure as to why WHERE...GROUP ...
Applies to:
TravelPort Universal API
PHP 4 or 5
An article on how to resolve errors and setup a standard ping request using the TravelPort Universal API. This is to be achieved using ...
... the Internet as the accepted solution... Doesn't work for me because I'm using cURL but it's a first point of reference. This will work if the received XML is a string.
// setting XML value
$string ...
A quick article on how to create a middleware script which accepts the values from a submitted HTML form and sends it to a server on another domain for processing. This applies to Linux Apache ...
... a "go" operation to take the user to the target of the text they typed.
IME_ACTION_NEXT // the action key performs a "next" operation, taking the user to the next field that will accept text.
... for Datatypes
Constraint Description
enumeration Defines a list of acceptable values
fractionDigits Specifies the maximum number of decimal places allowed. Must be equal to or greater ...
... based on the initial requirements up to and including the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) date (not yet agreed, but about a week prior to release date).
JoelLipman.Com will make the source files available ...
Method #1:
Important! It took me two days to realize that underscores are not accepted in the type name (despite copying "custom_field.php" and wanting to call my type "user_projects")!!! My recommendation ...
... int outputColumnIndex, string name, string description)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Outputs cannot be added. The component only accepts inputs", ComponentMetaData.Name), ...
... I need to submit an Active Directory (AD) username and receive a student ID number instead, all with the aim to improve performance on some SSRS queries which accept either an ID number or an AD name as ...
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