A very quick article to show pushing the date and time to ZohoCRM or ZohoCreator.
You may have received an error that goes something like:
datatype: datetime
Here are ...
My setup
Windows XP SP3
MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008
SQL Server 2008 R2
Regional Setting: London BST (British Summer Time)
Tuesday the 11th of October 2011 at 06:00am:
... you want to remind the task owner about the task. The possible values are EMAIL, POPUP, EMAILANDPOPUP.
TRIGGER=DATE-TIME (DateTime ISO8601): Defines when you want to trigger the reminder. Example: 2020-05-01T12:28:00+05:30. ...
This is a not-so-quick article that queries an eBay order and creates the relevant ZohoInventory item, contact, sales order, package slip, shipment order, invoice, payment records...
Why? ...
... e Meeting");
// the start time
// the end time
... tell headquarters or the system calendar that the appointment is at 10am.
So adding a datetime field and calling this one the "Customers Appointment Time" is the wrong first step. Reason being ...
... start in CRM format
v_SystemAppointmentDateTimeStart = v_SystemCallTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:00") + v_ApplicationTimeOffset;
// set system/application date time start in US format
v_CustomerAppointmentDateTimeStart ...
I already have an article documenting Pushing a value to a datetime field in CRM but wanted another article here to remind me of the Deluge code I need to add/subtract time.
Just want ...
... Deluge.
We're going to make use of the .toLong() function applied to a datetime datatype variable which will return the Unix seconds.
// the now time
v_NowTime = zoho.currenttime;
// ...
This is an article to document how I got a client's eBay to notify the seller every time a buyer bought a fixed price item. This uses the Trading API even though I'm aiming for the Platform Notifications ...
... like:
input.Audit_Change = "Title: " + input.Title;
Method #1: (do not use)
Previously I have tried adding a field called "DateTime form was loaded" which would have the currenttime when the form ...
... date format), arrange so it can be sorted alphabetically in reverse order
v_DatePart = v_SortingKey.getPrefix("T").toDate().toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
v_TimePart = v_SortingKey.getSuffix("T").getPrefix("+").subString(0,5);
v_SqlDateTime ...
... time field in Deluge
So annoying but sometimes you want to insert a date/time value into a date/time field and you get the error:
v_MyDateTimeString = zoho.currenttime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
// ...
This is a quick article to demonstrate how to compare two datetime values with the timezone specified.
A client's ZohoCRM had a different timezone setting than the user a script would ...
Previously titled
Fix PHP cURL: parser error: Document labelled UTF-16 but has UTF-8 content
This is an article with notes for me on how to convert some received XML encoded in UTF-16 to ...
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