... on line 344
INSERT using JDatabaseQuery
Note: for Joomla v3.x, use db->execute() instead of db->query()
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
... + ',NULL
FROM ' + @TableName +
' WHERE ' + @WhereClause
EXECUTE (@SqlStatement)
-- To dynamically create a cursor
SET @UpdateSqlStatement ...
... You can put a distinct on it (not forgetting the collate).
This example is expanded in a further article called "Search a database with soundex":
DECLARE @SqlToExecute nvarchar(max);
... you need permission to create this function. Don't forget to GRANT permission to execute this function for whatever user/system account that will run it.
-- Drop the function if it already exists
IF ...
... grant execute for your SSRS user)
Add a data source to your SSRS report
Add an SSRS input parameter
Add a dataset
Query type: Stored Procedure
Refresh fields button
Parameter name (oracle input ...
... sac180786.txt
CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM sp_get_studentdetails_from_ad FOR base_table_owner.sp_get_studentdetails_from_ad;
GRANT EXECUTE ON sp_get_studentdetails_from_ad ...
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