AuthToken (Multi Line)
AuthToken Expiry (Date-Time)
You should end up with something like this screenshot:
* Some of these fields are unnecessary for this example but are used to accommodate ...
... above
v_Account_SID = "ABCDEFabcdef0123456789ABCDEFabcdef";
// set this to the authtoken value obtained earlier
v_Auth_Token = "1234567890aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeff";
// set this to your Twilio ...
... to get me a Session ID. Once I've used this and signed in once, it will last a few seconds, long enough for me to do my Fetch Auth'n'auth token process:
string API.fn_eBayConnect_AuthToken_GetSessionUrl()
Function: ...
... API v1 is deprecated (so no authtokens) and API OAuth2.0 is in full swing... we're still going to cheat.
1,2,3 steps really. First we're going to set up a Creator form to receive the JSON. ...
... written. One is that there are 2 sets of documentation and the other is that the majority of the documentation doesn't refer to OAuth 2.0/json and instead uses the deprecated authtoken v1 and XML.
How? ...
... a Refresh token we will generate an Access token.
Pre-amble Quit trying to generate an authtoken v1 (CRM Deprecation Sunset Date: 31st December 2019).
Go to the Zoho Developer Console
Create a ...
... being deprecated (end of life at the end of this year). So I'm familiar with the methods in API v2 or just using newer functions.
Method #1: API v1
userResp = getUrl(("https://crm.zoho.com/crm/private/xml/Users/getUsers?authtoken=xxxxxxxxxxx&scope=crmapi&type=ActiveUsers"));
users ...
... AuthToken:
Browser Mode: Open a browser to https://accounts.zoho.com/apiauthtoken/create?SCOPE=ZohoCreator/creatorapi
OR API Mode: https://accounts.zoho.com/apiauthtoken/nb/create?SCOPE=ZohoCreator/creatorapi&EMAIL_ID=&PASSWORD= ...
This is an article documenting how to access ZohoCRM with API v2 using PHP and cURL. The first few functions are to manage OAuth v2 and generate the refresh and access tokens. The second snippet ...
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