... impossible. To use other fields that could be sent via the URL as a verification to be checked at the webhook endpoint would be good as well; but I couldn't spend time finding fields that can be 'placeheld', ...
... that header has to be added otherwise you get a blank response:
m_Header = Map();
v_Endpoint = "https://www.zohoapis.com/workdrive/api/v1/teamfolders//folders";
r_TeamFolderInfo ...
Setup the webhook in ZohoSign
Now we need the webhook added to ZohoSign so that when a document is completed, it tells ZohoCRM. First, let's create an endpoint for the webhook in ZohoCRM:
Login ...
... from ZohoProjects.
The bit that stumped me was making a call to the Events endpoint as it would just come back with a blank response...
The reason it was blank was due to my parameters; ...
... = Map();
// sometimes parameters need to be a string... but this is working
v_Endpoint = "https://analyticsapi.zoho.eu/restapi/v2/workspaces/" + v_ZA_WorkspaceID + "/views/" ...
... hover the mouse over it after creating the function so that you can enable the REST API endpoint of it. This will need to be triggered whenever there is an update to the order (especially when tracking ...
... "All Documents", and the file upload field is called "Document File":
// now upload updated file
v_Endpoint = "https://creator.zoho.com/api/v2.1"+zoho.appuri+"report/All_Documents/"+v_ZC_DocumentRecordID+"/Document_File/upload";
r_Upload ...
... comments/history) - also marks as sent
m_Params = Map();
// recipients is a list of emails unlike contact persons in invoice request
v_Endpoint ...
... get all active users in CRM
m_UserMapping = Map();
v_Endpoint = "https://www.zohoapis.eu/crm/v4/users?type=ActiveUsers";
r_Users = invokeurl
url :v_Endpoint
type :GET
l_UserUpdates ...
... I've called it "zcrm".
Standard Call for Module Record Count:
v_PerPage = 200;
v_Endpoint = "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v5/Quotes/actions/count";
r_MaximumCount = invokeurl
url :v_Endpoint
type ...
... as well as from the system as it contains bank details. You can skip this step if you're not bothered about storing this file on the system. Note that if you use the endpoint to delete the attachment ...
... = Map();
for each index v_AddressIndex1 in l_CrmBillingAddress
v_EndpointBillin ...
... each r_Tax in r_Taxes.get("taxes")
l_DebugMessages.add("ZB Taxes: " + m_Taxes);
// set chart of accounts to use
v_Endpoint ...
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