... layout didn't work
Choose field to validate > Select "Lead Status"
Choose validation type as "Validate using function" and click on "Next"
For functions, select "Write your own"
Give it a function name, ...
So this is NOT an article on how to create a MD5 function for an ETag in Zoho Deluge as I expected it would be. At time of print, the Zoho documentation (and Google search results) make no mention ...
A quick article on a function to allow the user to take a photo using their built-in camera or to choose an existing photo from their gallery.
I wanted both options to be available ...
... start with a function that just converts a string of words delimited by spaces to a table:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[ufn_StringToTable]
@StringInput VARCHAR(MAX)
RETURNS @OutputTable TABL ...
This is a quick note on one reason you may get the above error in a Joomla CMS environment.
Call to a member function mark() on a non-object in /public_html/index.php
Not really ...
This article describes a function that will return random data based on a given value. The function intends to determine the data type and return data that is absolutely irrelevant to the original ...
I need to refer to how to create a function in Oracle PL/SQL and sites on the net just attempt to overcomplicate everything and have forgotten how it is to be new to Oracle. I need a function ...
These are for autohotkey and in AHK code. Taken from Autohotkey forums topic 1878:
From Hexadecimal to RGB
From RGB to Hexadecimal
Check for a valid hexadecimal value
From Hexadecimal ...
Quick Fix
Check that this error isn't resolved by just changing the Mailer (Joomla > Global Configuration > Mailer settings). Alternate between PHPmail and sendmail just to check this isn't the problem. ...
This is a quick bit of code for my reference so that I don't have to keep finding a function that gives me the syntax of how to either create or update a record using invokeUrl.
Because ...
... other than what the interface offers, into the template.
the CRM webhook API function
So let's do my favorite method of creating a REST API function in CRM
Login to ZohoCRM > Setup > Functions ...
... Color']
Add another single line field, I'm calling it "RGB Value" [Optional: not required for the functionality of this demo but used in later application when including CSS opacity]
Step 1: Cod ...
A quick article to document a Zoho Deluge function converting a hexadecimal color reference to a Red Green Blue value (RGB).
It's likely that Zoho will avail their color picker at some ...
... from within ZohoCRM
ZohoCRM webhook updates the tracking record (ZohoSign Document) and attaches the signed document to the contact record
Button Code:
/* *******************************************************************************
Function: ...
... So create a function in the Zoho App you are checking, or somewhere you can write some Zoho Deluge code.
Note that requesting an increase of the limit or an upgrade to the subscription will likely ...
... purchase order items by the custom lookup field.
What follows is the code required to build the custom related list in ZohoBooks:
/* *******************************************************************************
Function: ...
... you setup a Connection that does NOT use the credentials of the logged-in user and has as scope ZohoAnalytics.metadata.read.
The code
/* *******************************************************************************
Function: ...
... and vice-versa.
And in this use-case, my client has added an incredible number of price books/ price lists and then has in excess of 20k items. Previously, the function that would need to get the ...
... our friend.
So we'll run a workflow that triggers on the creation of a lead and runs a function which will simultaneously create a task with a reminder both on popup and email which repeats ...
There are already articles out there that document this but I use this more and more and would rather just find it on my site than going through multiple bookmarks.
This use-case is ...
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