Alternative method of displaying Unicode in Autohotkey GUI

Well yes you could just use the Unicode version of Autohotkey. If you're looking for some up and down arrows which is all I wanted, then you don't have to use Unicode and you can use the Chr() function:

msgbox % Chr(24) ; upwards arrow
msgbox % Chr(25) ; downwards arrow, unstable
  1.  msgbox % Chr(24) ; upwards arrow 
  2.  msgbox % Chr(25) ; downwards arrow, unstable 

Generate list of those that work for you:
Dec	Hex	Unicode Char  	Description
------- ------- ------- ------- ---------------------------------------
128	80	U+00C7	Ç	latin capital letter c with cedilla
129	81	U+00FC	ü	latin small letter u with diaeresis
130	82	U+00E9	é	latin small letter e with acute
131	83	U+00E2	â	latin small letter a with circumflex
132	84	U+00E4	ä	latin small letter a with diaeresis
133	85	U+00E0	à	latin small letter a with grave
134	86	U+00E5	å	latin small letter a with ring above
135	87	U+00E7	ç	latin small letter c with cedilla
136	88	U+00EA	ê	latin small letter e with circumflex
137	89	U+00EB	ë	latin small letter e with diaeresis
138	8A	U+00E8	è	latin small letter e with grave
139	8B	U+00EF	ï	latin small letter i with diaeresis
140	8C	U+00EE	î	latin small letter i with circumflex
141	8D	U+00EC	ì	latin small letter i with grave
142	8E	U+00C4	Ä	latin capital letter a with diaeresis
143	8F	U+00C5	Å	latin capital letter a with ring above
144	90	U+00C9	É	latin capital letter e with acute
145	91	U+00E6	æ	latin small ligature ae
146	92	U+00C6	Æ	latin capital ligature ae
147	93	U+00F4	ô	latin small letter o with circumflex
148	94	U+00F6	ö	latin small letter o with diaeresis
149	95	U+00F2	ò	latin small letter o with grave
150	96	U+00FB	û	latin small letter u with circumflex
151	97	U+00F9	ù	latin small letter u with grave
152	98	U+00FF	ÿ	latin small letter y with diaeresis
153	99	U+00D6	Ö	latin capital letter o with diaeresis
154	9A	U+00DC	Ü	latin capital letter u with diaeresis
155	9B	U+00A2	¢	cent sign
156	9C	U+00A3	£	pound sign
157	9D	U+00A5	¥	yen sign
158	9E	U+20A7	₧	peseta sign
159	9F	U+0192	ƒ	latin small letter f with hook
160	A0	U+00E1	á	latin small letter a with acute
161	A1	U+00ED	í	latin small letter i with acute
162	A2	U+00F3	ó	latin small letter o with acute
163	A3	U+00FA	ú	latin small letter u with acute
164	A4	U+00F1	ñ	latin small letter n with tilde
165	A5	U+00D1	Ñ	latin capital letter n with tilde
166	A6	U+00AA	ª	feminine ordinal indicator
167	A7	U+00BA	º	masculine ordinal indicator
168	A8	U+00BF	¿	inverted question mark
169	A9	U+2310	⌐	reversed not sign
170	AA	U+00AC	¬	not sign
171	AB	U+00BD	½	vulgar fraction one half
172	AC	U+00BC	¼	vulgar fraction one quarter
173	AD	U+00A1	¡	inverted exclamation mark
174	AE	U+00AB	«	left-pointing double angle quotation mark
175	AF	U+00BB	»	right-pointing double angle quotation mark
176	B0	U+2591	░	light shade
177	B1	U+2592	▒	medium shade
178	B2	U+2593	▓	dark shade
179	B3	U+2502	│	box drawings light vertical
180	B4	U+2524	┤	box drawings light vertical and left
181	B5	U+2561	╡	box drawings vertical single and left double
182	B6	U+2562	╢	box drawings vertical double and left single
183	B7	U+2556	╖	box drawings down double and left single
184	B8	U+2555	╕	box drawings down single and left double
185	B9	U+2563	╣	box drawings double vertical and left
186	BA	U+2551	║	box drawings double vertical
187	BB	U+2557	╗	box drawings double down and left
188	BC	U+255D	╝	box drawings double up and left
189	BD	U+255C	╜	box drawings up double and left single
190	BE	U+255B	╛	box drawings up single and left double
191	BF	U+2510	┐	box drawings light down and left
192	C0	U+2514	└	box drawings light up and right
193	C1	U+2534	┴	box drawings light up and horizontal
194	C2	U+252C	┬	box drawings light down and horizontal
195	C3	U+251C	├	box drawings light vertical and right
196	C4	U+2500	─	box drawings light horizontal
197	C5	U+253C	┼	box drawings light vertical and horizontal
198	C6	U+255E	╞	box drawings vertical single and right double
199	C7	U+255F	╟	box drawings vertical double and right single
200	C8	U+255A	╚	box drawings double up and right
201	C9	U+2554	╔	box drawings double down and right
202	CA	U+2569	╩	box drawings double up and horizontal
203	CB	U+2566	╦	box drawings double down and horizontal
204	CC	U+2560	╠	box drawings double vertical and right
205	CD	U+2550	═	box drawings double horizontal
206	CE	U+256C	╬	box drawings double vertical and horizontal
207	CF	U+2567	╧	box drawings up single and horizontal double
208	D0	U+2568	╨	box drawings up double and horizontal single
209	D1	U+2564	╤	box drawings down single and horizontal double
210	D2	U+2565	╥	box drawings down double and horizontal single
211	D3	U+2559	╙	box drawings up double and right single
212	D4	U+2558	╘	box drawings up single and right double
213	D5	U+2552	╒	box drawings down single and right double
214	D6	U+2553	╓	box drawings down double and right single
215	D7	U+256B	╫	box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
216	D8	U+256A	╪	box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
217	D9	U+2518	┘	box drawings light up and left
218	DA	U+250C	┌	box drawings light down and right
219	DB	U+2588	█	full block
220	DC	U+2584	▄	lower half block
221	DD	U+258C	▌	left half block
222	DE	U+2590	▐	right half block
223	DF	U+2580	▀	upper half block
224	E0	U+03B1	α	greek small letter alpha
225	E1	U+00DF	ß	latin small letter sharp s
226	E2	U+0393	Γ	greek capital letter gamma
227	E3	U+03C0	π	greek small letter pi
228	E4	U+03A3	Σ	greek capital letter sigma
229	E5	U+03C3	σ	greek small letter sigma
230	E6	U+00B5	µ	micro sign
231	E7	U+03C4	τ	greek small letter tau
232	E8	U+03A6	Φ	greek capital letter phi
233	E9	U+0398	Θ	greek capital letter theta
234	EA	U+03A9	Ω	greek capital letter omega
235	EB	U+03B4	δ	greek small letter delta
236	EC	U+221E	∞	infinity
237	ED	U+03C6	φ	greek small letter phi
238	EE	U+03B5	ε	greek small letter epsilon
239	EF	U+2229	∩	intersection
240	F0	U+2261	≡	identical to
241	F1	U+00B1	±	plus-minus sign
242	F2	U+2265	≥	greater-than or equal to
243	F3	U+2264	≤	less-than or equal to
244	F4	U+2320	⌠	top half integral
245	F5	U+2321	⌡	bottom half integral
246	F6	U+00F7	÷	division sign
247	F7	U+2248	≈	almost equal to
248	F8	U+00B0	°	degree sign
249	F9	U+2219	∙	bullet operator
250	FA	U+00B7	·	middle dot
251	FB	U+221A	√	square root
252	FC	U+207F	ⁿ	superscript latin small letter n
253	FD	U+00B2	²	superscript two
254	FE	U+25A0	■	black square
255	FF	U+00A0	 	no-break space
  1.  Dec    Hex    Unicode Char      Description 
  2.  ------- ------- ------- ------- --------------------------------------- 
  3.  128    80    U+00C7    Ç    latin capital letter c with cedilla 
  4.  129    81    U+00FC    ü    latin small letter u with diaeresis 
  5.  130    82    U+00E9    é    latin small letter e with acute 
  6.  131    83    U+00E2    â    latin small letter a with circumflex 
  7.  132    84    U+00E4    ä    latin small letter a with diaeresis 
  8.  133    85    U+00E0    à    latin small letter a with grave 
  9.  134    86    U+00E5    å    latin small letter a with ring above 
  10.  135    87    U+00E7    ç    latin small letter c with cedilla 
  11.  136    88    U+00EA    ê    latin small letter e with circumflex 
  12.  137    89    U+00EB    ë    latin small letter e with diaeresis 
  13.  138    8A    U+00E8    è    latin small letter e with grave 
  14.  139    8B    U+00EF    ï    latin small letter i with diaeresis 
  15.  140    8C    U+00EE    î    latin small letter i with circumflex 
  16.  141    8D    U+00EC    ì    latin small letter i with grave 
  17.  142    8E    U+00C4    Ä    latin capital letter a with diaeresis 
  18.  143    8F    U+00C5    ...    latin capital letter a with ring above 
  19.  144    90    U+00C9    É    latin capital letter e with acute 
  20.  145    91    U+00E6    æ    latin small ligature ae 
  21.  146    92    U+00C6    Æ    latin capital ligature ae 
  22.  147    93    U+00F4    ô    latin small letter o with circumflex 
  23.  148    94    U+00F6    ö    latin small letter o with diaeresis 
  24.  149    95    U+00F2    ò    latin small letter o with grave 
  25.  150    96    U+00FB    û    latin small letter u with circumflex 
  26.  151    97    U+00F9    ù    latin small letter u with grave 
  27.  152    98    U+00FF    ÿ    latin small letter y with diaeresis 
  28.  153    99    U+00D6    -    latin capital letter o with diaeresis 
  29.  154    9A    U+00DC    Ü    latin capital letter u with diaeresis 
  30.  155    9B    U+00A2    ¢    cent sign 
  31.  156    9C    U+00A3    £    pound sign 
  32.  157    9D    U+00A5    ¥    yen sign 
  33.  158    9E    U+20A7    ₧    peseta sign 
  34.  159    9F    U+0192    '    latin small letter f with hook 
  35.  160    A0    U+00E1    á    latin small letter a with acute 
  36.  161    A1    U+00ED    í    latin small letter i with acute 
  37.  162    A2    U+00F3    ó    latin small letter o with acute 
  38.  163    A3    U+00FA    ú    latin small letter u with acute 
  39.  164    A4    U+00F1    ñ    latin small letter n with tilde 
  40.  165    A5    U+00D1    '    latin capital letter n with tilde 
  41.  166    A6    U+00AA    ª    feminine ordinal indicator 
  42.  167    A7    U+00BA    º    masculine ordinal indicator 
  43.  168    A8    U+00BF    ¿    inverted question mark 
  44.  169    A9    U+2310    ⌐    reversed not sign 
  45.  170    AA    U+00AC    ¬    not sign 
  46.  171    AB    U+00BD    ½    vulgar fraction one half 
  47.  172    AC    U+00BC    ¼    vulgar fraction one quarter 
  48.  173    AD    U+00A1    ¡    inverted exclamation mark 
  49.  174    AE    U+00AB    «    left-pointing double angle quotation mark 
  50.  175    AF    U+00BB    »    right-pointing double angle quotation mark 
  51.  176    B0    U+2591    -'    light shade 
  52.  177    B1    U+2592    -'    medium shade 
  53.  178    B2    U+2593    -"    dark shade 
  54.  179    B3    U+2502    "    box drawings light vertical 
  55.  180    B4    U+2524    "    box drawings light vertical and left 
  56.  181    B5    U+2561    ╡    box drawings vertical single and left double 
  57.  182    B6    U+2562    ╢    box drawings vertical double and left single 
  58.  183    B7    U+2556    -    box drawings down double and left single 
  59.  184    B8    U+2555    ╕    box drawings down single and left double 
  60.  185    B9    U+2563    ╣    box drawings double vertical and left 
  61.  186    BA    U+2551    '    box drawings double vertical 
  62.  187    BB    U+2557    --    box drawings double down and left 
  63.  188    BC    U+255D    ╝    box drawings double up and left 
  64.  189    BD    U+255C    ╜    box drawings up double and left single 
  65.  190    BE    U+255B    ╛    box drawings up single and left double 
  66.  191    BF    U+2510    "    box drawings light down and left 
  67.  192    C0    U+2514    ""    box drawings light up and right 
  68.  193    C1    U+2534    "    box drawings light up and horizontal 
  69.  194    C2    U+252C    "    box drawings light down and horizontal 
  70.  195    C3    U+251C    "    box drawings light vertical and right 
  71.  196    C4    U+2500    "    box drawings light horizontal 
  72.  197    C5    U+253C    "    box drawings light vertical and horizontal 
  73.  198    C6    U+255E    ╞    box drawings vertical single and right double 
  74.  199    C7    U+255F    ╟    box drawings vertical double and right single 
  75.  200    C8    U+255A    ╚    box drawings double up and right 
  76.  201    C9    U+2554    "    box drawings double down and right 
  77.  202    CA    U+2569    ╩    box drawings double up and horizontal 
  78.  203    CB    U+2566    ╦    box drawings double down and horizontal 
  79.  204    CC    U+2560    ╠    box drawings double vertical and right 
  80.  205    CD    U+2550    ═    box drawings double horizontal 
  81.  206    CE    U+256C    ╬    box drawings double vertical and horizontal 
  82.  207    CF    U+2567    ╧    box drawings up single and horizontal double 
  83.  208    D0    U+2568    ╨    box drawings up double and horizontal single 
  84.  209    D1    U+2564    ╤    box drawings down single and horizontal double 
  85.  210    D2    U+2565    ╥    box drawings down double and horizontal single 
  86.  211    D3    U+2559    ╙    box drawings up double and right single 
  87.  212    D4    U+2558    ╘    box drawings up single and right double 
  88.  213    D5    U+2552    '    box drawings down single and right double 
  89.  214    D6    U+2553    "    box drawings down double and right single 
  90.  215    D7    U+256B    ╫    box drawings vertical double and horizontal single 
  91.  216    D8    U+256A    ╪    box drawings vertical single and horizontal double 
  92.  217    D9    U+2518    "    box drawings light up and left 
  93.  218    DA    U+250C    "    box drawings light down and right 
  94.  219    DB    U+2588    -    full block 
  95.  220    DC    U+2584    -    lower half block 
  96.  221    DD    U+258C    -    left half block 
  97.  222    DE    U+2590    -    right half block 
  98.  223    DF    U+2580    -    upper half block 
  99.  224    E0    U+03B1    α    greek small letter alpha 
  100.  225    E1    U+00DF    ß    latin small letter sharp s 
  101.  226    E2    U+0393    "    greek capital letter gamma 
  102.  227    E3    U+03C0    π    greek small letter pi 
  103.  228    E4    U+03A3    Σ    greek capital letter sigma 
  104.  229    E5    U+03C3    σ    greek small letter sigma 
  105.  230    E6    U+00B5    µ    micro sign 
  106.  231    E7    U+03C4    τ    greek small letter tau 
  107.  232    E8    U+03A6    Φ    greek capital letter phi 
  108.  233    E9    U+0398    Θ    greek capital letter theta 
  109.  234    EA    U+03A9    Ω    greek capital letter omega 
  110.  235    EB    U+03B4    δ    greek small letter delta 
  111.  236    EC    U+221E    ∞    infinity 
  112.  237    ED    U+03C6    φ    greek small letter phi 
  113.  238    EE    U+03B5    ε    greek small letter epsilon 
  114.  239    EF    U+2229    ∩    intersection 
  115.  240    F0    U+2261    ≡    identical to 
  116.  241    F1    U+00B1    ±    plus-minus sign 
  117.  242    F2    U+2265    ≥    greater-than or equal to 
  118.  243    F3    U+2264    ≤    less-than or equal to 
  119.  244    F4    U+2320    ⌠    top half integral 
  120.  245    F5    U+2321    ⌡    bottom half integral 
  121.  246    F6    U+00F7    ÷    division sign 
  122.  247    F7    U+2248    ≈    almost equal to 
  123.  248    F8    U+00B0    °    degree sign 
  124.  249    F9    U+2219    ∙    bullet operator 
  125.  250    FA    U+00B7    ·    middle dot 
  126.  251    FB    U+221A    √    square root 
  127.  252    FC    U+207F    ⁿ    superscript latin small letter n 
  128.  253    FD    U+00B2    ²    superscript two 
  129.  254    FE    U+25A0    -    black square 
  130.  255    FF    U+00A0         no-break space 

A bunch of others that may work:

Some others that may work:
Dec	Hex	Unicode Char  	Description
------- ------- ------- ------- ---------------------------------------
128	80	U+00C7	Ç	latin capital letter c with cedilla
129	81	U+00FC	ü	latin small letter u with diaeresis
130	82	U+00E9	é	latin small letter e with acute
131	83	U+00E2	â	latin small letter a with circumflex
132	84	U+00E4	ä	latin small letter a with diaeresis
133	85	U+00E0	à	latin small letter a with grave
134	86	U+00E5	å	latin small letter a with ring above
135	87	U+00E7	ç	latin small letter c with cedilla
136	88	U+00EA	ê	latin small letter e with circumflex
137	89	U+00EB	ë	latin small letter e with diaeresis
138	8A	U+00E8	è	latin small letter e with grave
139	8B	U+00EF	ï	latin small letter i with diaeresis
140	8C	U+00EE	î	latin small letter i with circumflex
141	8D	U+00EC	ì	latin small letter i with grave
142	8E	U+00C4	Ä	latin capital letter a with diaeresis
143	8F	U+00C5	Å	latin capital letter a with ring above
144	90	U+00C9	É	latin capital letter e with acute
145	91	U+00E6	æ	latin small ligature ae
146	92	U+00C6	Æ	latin capital ligature ae
147	93	U+00F4	ô	latin small letter o with circumflex
148	94	U+00F6	ö	latin small letter o with diaeresis
149	95	U+00F2	ò	latin small letter o with grave
150	96	U+00FB	û	latin small letter u with circumflex
151	97	U+00F9	ù	latin small letter u with grave
152	98	U+00FF	ÿ	latin small letter y with diaeresis
153	99	U+00D6	Ö	latin capital letter o with diaeresis
154	9A	U+00DC	Ü	latin capital letter u with diaeresis
155	9B	U+00A2	¢	cent sign
156	9C	U+00A3	£	pound sign
157	9D	U+00A5	¥	yen sign
158	9E	U+20A7	₧	peseta sign
159	9F	U+0192	ƒ	latin small letter f with hook
160	A0	U+00E1	á	latin small letter a with acute
161	A1	U+00ED	í	latin small letter i with acute
162	A2	U+00F3	ó	latin small letter o with acute
163	A3	U+00FA	ú	latin small letter u with acute
164	A4	U+00F1	ñ	latin small letter n with tilde
165	A5	U+00D1	Ñ	latin capital letter n with tilde
166	A6	U+00AA	ª	feminine ordinal indicator
167	A7	U+00BA	º	masculine ordinal indicator
168	A8	U+00BF	¿	inverted question mark
169	A9	U+2310	⌐	reversed not sign
170	AA	U+00AC	¬	not sign
171	AB	U+00BD	½	vulgar fraction one half
172	AC	U+00BC	¼	vulgar fraction one quarter
173	AD	U+00A1	¡	inverted exclamation mark
174	AE	U+00AB	«	left-pointing double angle quotation mark
175	AF	U+00BB	»	right-pointing double angle quotation mark
176	B0	U+2591	░	light shade
177	B1	U+2592	▒	medium shade
178	B2	U+2593	▓	dark shade
179	B3	U+2502	│	box drawings light vertical
180	B4	U+2524	┤	box drawings light vertical and left
181	B5	U+2561	╡	box drawings vertical single and left double
182	B6	U+2562	╢	box drawings vertical double and left single
183	B7	U+2556	╖	box drawings down double and left single
184	B8	U+2555	╕	box drawings down single and left double
185	B9	U+2563	╣	box drawings double vertical and left
186	BA	U+2551	║	box drawings double vertical
187	BB	U+2557	╗	box drawings double down and left
188	BC	U+255D	╝	box drawings double up and left
189	BD	U+255C	╜	box drawings up double and left single
190	BE	U+255B	╛	box drawings up single and left double
191	BF	U+2510	┐	box drawings light down and left
192	C0	U+2514	└	box drawings light up and right
193	C1	U+2534	┴	box drawings light up and horizontal
194	C2	U+252C	┬	box drawings light down and horizontal
195	C3	U+251C	├	box drawings light vertical and right
196	C4	U+2500	─	box drawings light horizontal
197	C5	U+253C	┼	box drawings light vertical and horizontal
198	C6	U+255E	╞	box drawings vertical single and right double
199	C7	U+255F	╟	box drawings vertical double and right single
200	C8	U+255A	╚	box drawings double up and right
201	C9	U+2554	╔	box drawings double down and right
202	CA	U+2569	╩	box drawings double up and horizontal
203	CB	U+2566	╦	box drawings double down and horizontal
204	CC	U+2560	╠	box drawings double vertical and right
205	CD	U+2550	═	box drawings double horizontal
206	CE	U+256C	╬	box drawings double vertical and horizontal
207	CF	U+2567	╧	box drawings up single and horizontal double
208	D0	U+2568	╨	box drawings up double and horizontal single
209	D1	U+2564	╤	box drawings down single and horizontal double
210	D2	U+2565	╥	box drawings down double and horizontal single
211	D3	U+2559	╙	box drawings up double and right single
212	D4	U+2558	╘	box drawings up single and right double
213	D5	U+2552	╒	box drawings down single and right double
214	D6	U+2553	╓	box drawings down double and right single
215	D7	U+256B	╫	box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
216	D8	U+256A	╪	box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
217	D9	U+2518	┘	box drawings light up and left
218	DA	U+250C	┌	box drawings light down and right
219	DB	U+2588	█	full block
220	DC	U+2584	▄	lower half block
221	DD	U+258C	▌	left half block
222	DE	U+2590	▐	right half block
223	DF	U+2580	▀	upper half block
224	E0	U+03B1	α	greek small letter alpha
225	E1	U+00DF	ß	latin small letter sharp s
226	E2	U+0393	Γ	greek capital letter gamma
227	E3	U+03C0	π	greek small letter pi
228	E4	U+03A3	Σ	greek capital letter sigma
229	E5	U+03C3	σ	greek small letter sigma
230	E6	U+00B5	µ	micro sign
231	E7	U+03C4	τ	greek small letter tau
232	E8	U+03A6	Φ	greek capital letter phi
233	E9	U+0398	Θ	greek capital letter theta
234	EA	U+03A9	Ω	greek capital letter omega
235	EB	U+03B4	δ	greek small letter delta
236	EC	U+221E	∞	infinity
237	ED	U+03C6	φ	greek small letter phi
238	EE	U+03B5	ε	greek small letter epsilon
239	EF	U+2229	∩	intersection
240	F0	U+2261	≡	identical to
241	F1	U+00B1	±	plus-minus sign
242	F2	U+2265	≥	greater-than or equal to
243	F3	U+2264	≤	less-than or equal to
244	F4	U+2320	⌠	top half integral
245	F5	U+2321	⌡	bottom half integral
246	F6	U+00F7	÷	division sign
247	F7	U+2248	≈	almost equal to
248	F8	U+00B0	°	degree sign
249	F9	U+2219	∙	bullet operator
250	FA	U+00B7	·	middle dot
251	FB	U+221A	√	square root
252	FC	U+207F	ⁿ	superscript latin small letter n
253	FD	U+00B2	²	superscript two
254	FE	U+25A0	■	black square
255	FF	U+00A0	 	no-break space

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Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent a warranty. The opinions expressed are those of the author only. We recommend testing any solutions in a development environment before implementing them in production. The articles are based on our good faith efforts and were current at the time of writing, reflecting our practical experience in a commercial setting.

Thank you for visiting and, as always, we hope this website was of some use to you!

Kind Regards,

Joel Lipman

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