Applying a button and centering it in the RocketTheme Affinity template

This took me a while to do so I thought I'd document it for future reference.

The Issue

See the restore default setting link at the bottom of this page in the footer?  I wanted to put one of the styled buttons behind it but then found that there's a lot more to do than just that.


  1. Open the templates/rt_affinity_j15/index.php
  2. Look at the last few lines with the original code (below)
  3. For this website template: 
    1. I've added the module-dark classes.
    2. Specified float:none to get rid of float:left
    3. Specified width of readon-wrap1 to the width of the button
    4. Specified margin:0 auto to center readon-wrap1


Original Code:

<?php if ($show_defaultsettings == "true") : ?>
	<a href="#" id="clear-cookies"><?php echo JText::_('DEFAULT_SETTINGS'); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
  1.  <?php if ($show_defaultsettings == "true") : ?> 
  2.      <a href="#" id="clear-cookies"><?php echo JText::_('DEFAULT_SETTINGS')?></a> 
  3.  <?php endif; ?> 


New Code:

<?php if ($show_defaultsettings == "true") : ?>
	<div style="overflow: hidden;float:none">
		<div class="module-dark readon-wrap1" style="float:none;width:200px;margin:0 auto">
			<div class="module-dark readon1-l"></div>
			<a href="#" id="clear-cookies" class="module-dark readon-main" style="margin-top:0px"><span class="module-dark readon1-m"><span class="module-dark readon1-r"><?php echo JText::_('DEFAULT_SETTINGS'); ?></span></span></a>
	<div class="clr"></div>		
<?php endif; ?>
  1.  <?php if ($show_defaultsettings == "true") : ?> 
  2.      <div style="overflow: hidden;float:none"> 
  3.          <div class="module-dark readon-wrap1" style="float:none;width:200px;margin:0 auto"> 
  4.              <div class="module-dark readon1-l"></div> 
  5.              <a href="#" id="clear-cookies" class="module-dark readon-main" style="margin-top:0px"><span class="module-dark readon1-m"><span class="module-dark readon1-r"><?php echo JText::_('DEFAULT_SETTINGS')?></span></span></a> 
  6.          </div> 
  7.      </div> 
  8.      <div class="clr"></div> 
  9.  <?php endif; ?> 


Category: Joomla :: Article: 171

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Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent a warranty. The opinions expressed are those of the author only. We recommend testing any solutions in a development environment before implementing them in production. The articles are based on our good faith efforts and were current at the time of writing, reflecting our practical experience in a commercial setting.

Thank you for visiting and, as always, we hope this website was of some use to you!

Kind Regards,

Joel Lipman

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