This is an article to document the migration of a Joomla! CMS running version 2.5.11 to an instance of Joomla! CMS version 3.4.1. I would consider the below instructions an ALPHA version as it is considered unstable for official use... Saying that this is how I upgraded my own personal website:
This article assumes you are familiar with upgrading a Joomla! CMS and running MySQL statements against your database.
For the purposes of this article, we will refer to the live/current/production website running Joomla v2.5 as "v25" and the new Joomla instance as "v34". Their respective database tables are prefixed with "v25_" and "v34_". So an example MySQL statement will be:
`v25_db`.`v25_tablename` -- with the database name and table prefix of database you are READING from (eg. `myuser_joellipmancom_mysitedb`.`lkdjf_content`) `v34_db`.`v34_tablename` -- with the database name and table prefix of database you are WRITING to (eg. `myuser_joellipmancom_mysitedb`.`ejf1r_content`)
Here's a brief outline of the whole process:
- Backups
- Install
- Users
- Categories -- unstable
- Content
- Weblinks
- 3rd-party: JComments
Here's a less brief outline of the whole process:
Pre-Notes: To begin with, ensure that no extra new users are created in the v34 system other than the user who is installing it.
- Preparation:
- Backup your Joomla v2.5.x database and website files
- Note the CURRENT super user identification number "ID" and alias (name)
- Ensure all items are "checked-in" (Do a "Global Check In")
- Install new Joomla:
- Install Joomla! CMS v3.4.x
- with Demo Content (eg. 3rd-party QuickStarts):
- [Personal Option] Modify admin ID to NOT use a text editor (ie. "Text-editor=None")
- If you are going to delete an object (eg. contacts), make a note on its contents or embedded code specific to the template.
- Copy over Users:
- Rename the Admin ID in the new v34 system to match your v25 system.
- Check your usergroups are the same in both systems. Import new ones.
- Copy all users except the v25 admin to your v34 database (with status=blocked)
- Copy over user group mappings
- Update new system admin details with old (name, registration date, etc).
- Copy over Categories:
- It is recommended to do this via the GUI and then associate the IDs to your content, weblinks, etc.
- The thing to watch out for is associating the categories with respect to the assets table.
- To do this via DB commands, refer to how the weblinks categories are added.
- Copy over Content:
- We want to maintain the same IDs for articles in case SEO settings will be enabled and the ID is in the URL.
- We will insert assets as new ones but associate these to the v25 assets.
- Categories will be associated by comparing both databases' content tables.
- Copy over Weblinks:
- Import the weblinks
- Copy over the weblink categories
- Copy over the weblink category assets
- Third-party component: JComments:
- This will be a copy of two systems running JComments version 3.x
- The MySQL scripts will copy over each table in turn
- Configure and Brand your new Joomla site
- Activate Users
Rename admin ID in the UPGRADE database
We want to make sure that the new user ID doesn't exist in our upgraded system because we may have a user with that ID in the old system who might inherit privileges they shouldn't have. This script has been adapted to change the Admin ID to a number that hasn't been taken yet or to use the current one and is specified as a local variable.
-- Specify v2.5.x admin ID and v3.4.x admin ID SET @v25_admin_id=42; -- Set this to the ID number of the user in your Joomla 2.5.x SET @v25_admin_alias='Webmaster'; -- Set this to the name of the admin user in your Joomla 2.5.x SET @v34_admin_id=443; -- Set this to the ID number of the user in your Joomla 3.x SET @v34_admin_alias='Webmaster'; -- Set this to the name of the admin user in your Joomla 3.x -- Banners: UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_banners` SET `created_by` = @v25_admin_id, `created_by_alias` = @v25_admin_alias WHERE `created_by` = @v34_admin_id; UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_banners` SET `modified_by` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `modified_by` = @v34_admin_id; -- Categories: UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_categories` SET `created_user_id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `created_user_id` = @v34_admin_id; UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_categories` SET `modified_user_id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `modified_user_id` = @v34_admin_id; -- Contact Details: (you should clear this list as you will import them all!) -- DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_contact_details` WHERE `v34_contact_details`.`id` >= 1 -- ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_contact_details` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 -- Content: UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_content` SET `created_by` = @v25_admin_id, `created_by_alias` = @v25_admin_alias WHERE `created_by` = @v34_admin_id; UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_content` SET `modified_by` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `modified_by` = @v34_admin_id; -- Tags: UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_tags` SET `created_user_id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `created_user_id`= @v34_admin_id; UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_tags` SET `modified_user_id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `modified_user_id`= @v34_admin_id; -- UCM Content: UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_ucm_content` SET `core_created_user_id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `core_created_user_id`= @v34_admin_id; UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_ucm_content` SET `core_modified_user_id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `core_modified_user_id`= @v34_admin_id; -- UCM History: UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_ucm_history` SET `editor_user_id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `editor_user_id` = @v34_admin_id; -- User Usergroup Map: UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_user_usergroup_map` SET `user_id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `user_id` = @v34_admin_id; -- Users: UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_users` SET `id` = @v25_admin_id WHERE `id` = @v34_admin_id;These are the Joomla! core ones that need modifying. If you have 3rd-party extensions (eg. K2) then you should run the respective commands to update the Installer ID in these as well.
Copy over users (but with disabled accounts):
CHANGE the value of @v25_admin_id to the number (in my example "42") to the admin ID of your installer ID.
-- ********************************************************************** -- USERGROUPS: -- ********************************************************************** -- Ensure ID (primary key) match up on both systems unless you have -- custom usergroups. -- I did not have to do it this time but shout if you need help -- ********************************************************************** -- USERS: (but with disabled accounts) -- ********************************************************************** -- Contrary to recommended practice, I'm moving these guys first so all -- the objects from the existing site will retain their ownership. Based -- on previous migrations, this tends to help not confuse the system. -- ********************************************************************** -- Set to your v2.5.x admin ID to NOT migrate as per standard users SET @v25_admin_id=42; -- Set this to the ID number of the user in your Joomla 2.5.x -- Standard Users: INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_users` ( `id`, `name`, `username`, `email`, `password`, `block`, `sendEmail`, `registerDate`, `lastvisitDate`, `activation`, `params`, `lastResetTime`, `resetCount`, `otpKey`, `otep`, `requireReset`) SELECT `id`, `name`, `username`, `email`, `password`, 1, `sendEmail`, `registerDate`, `lastvisitDate`, `activation`, `params`, `lastResetTime`, `resetCount`, '' AS `otpKey`, '' AS `otep`, 0 FROM `v25_db`.`v25_users` WHERE `id` <> @v25_admin_id; -- To import any new users on golive date -- -- same as above but change the last line to "WHERE `id` > ####" -- -- where #### is the last ID in the new v34 system. -- -- NB: Don't forget to activate them at GoLive time. -- ********************************************************************* -- USERGROUP MAPPING -- ********************************************************************* -- Note-to-self: Delete rows other than the admin ID -- DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_user_usergroup_map` WHERE `user_id` <> @v25_admin_id; -- ********************************************************************* INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_user_usergroup_map` ( `user_id`, `group_id`) SELECT `user_id`, `group_id` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_user_usergroup_map` WHERE `user_id` <> @v25_admin_id;Joomla Categories
Use method #1 if you already have third-party demo content in the database (eg. Quickstarts), use method #2 if you don't have any categories except the core Joomla ones.
-- ********************************************************************* -- CATEGORIES -- ********************************************************************* -- Much tougher to do than one would think, especially if you have sample -- content already in the new system. The thing to watch out for is -- associating the categories with respect to the assets table. -- ********************************************************************* -- METHOD #1- DOES NOT MAINTAIN V25 CATEGORY IDS: setup these categories -- using the the Joomla admin interface Web-GUI to add them. Ensure the -- aliases are the same in both systems. This is a more stable option. -- ********************************************************************* -- ********************************************************************* -- METHOD #2- MAINTAINS V25 CATEGORY IDS: This will fail if you have any -- conflicting categories already in the database. If you only have the -- ones from an Out-of-the-box Joomla! CMS then this is what I use: -- -- Copy and replace the below script per category -- -- this example is for one "uncategorized content" category -- ********************************************************************* SET @uncategorisedCategoryID_new = ( SELECT id FROM `v34_db`.`v34_categories` WHERE extension='com_content' AND alias='uncategorised'); SET @uncategorisedCategoryID_old = ( SELECT id FROM `v25_db`.`v25_categories` WHERE extension='com_content' AND alias='uncategorised'); UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_categories` SET `catid` = @uncategorisedCategoryID_new WHERE `catid` = @uncategorisedCategoryID_old; UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_content` SET `catid` = @uncategorisedCategoryID_new WHERE `catid` = @uncategorisedCategoryID_old;Joomla Content
-- ********************************************************************* -- CONTENT -- ********************************************************************* -- Should be a question of inserting then associating the categories and -- inserting into the assets table per article. We are going to put a -- marker ":|joe|:" and append the old ID for later use. -- ********************************************************************* -- Assets SET @maxAssetContentID = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `v34_db`.`v34_assets` WHERE `name` LIKE 'com_content.article.%'); SET @nextAssetContentID = @maxAssetContentID; SET @assetParentID = (SELECT `id` FROM `v34_db`.`v34_assets` WHERE `name` LIKE 'com_content.category.%' AND `title` = 'Uncategorised' LIMIT 0,1); INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_assets` ( `parent_id`, `lft`, `rgt`, `level`, `name`, `title`, `rules`) SELECT @assetParentID, a.`lft`, a.`rgt`, a.`level`, CONCAT('com_content.article.', @nextAssetContentID:=@nextAssetContentID+1, ':|joe|:', c.`id`) AS new_name, a.`title`, a.`rules` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_assets` a INNER JOIN `v25_db`.`v25_content` c ON c.`asset_id`=a.`id` WHERE a.`name` LIKE 'com_content.article.%'; -- Articles INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_content` ( `id`, `asset_id`, `title`, `alias`, `introtext`, `fulltext`, `state`, `catid`, `created`, `created_by`, `created_by_alias`, `modified`, `modified_by`, `publish_up`, `publish_down`, `images`, `urls`, `attribs`, `version`, `ordering`, `metakey`, `metadesc`, `access`, `hits`, `metadata`, `featured`, `language`, `xreference`) SELECT a.`id`, ( SELECT x.`id` FROM `v34_db`.`v34_assets` x WHERE x.`name` LIKE 'com_content.article.%' AND x.`name` LIKE CONCAT('%', ':|joe|:', a.`id`) ) as asset_id, a.`title`, a.`alias`, a.`introtext`, a.`fulltext`, a.`state`, a.`catid`, a.`created`, a.`created_by`, a.`created_by_alias`, a.`modified`, a.`modified_by`, a.`publish_up`, a.`publish_down`, a.`images`, a.`urls`, a.`attribs`, a.`version`, a.`ordering`, a.`metakey`, a.`metadesc`, a.`access`, a.`hits`, a.`metadata`, a.`featured`, a.`language`, a.`xreference` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_content` a; -- Now associate new category IDs to new articles UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_content` c1 JOIN `v25_db`.`v25_content` c2 ON c2.`introtext`=c1.`introtext` JOIN `v25_db`.`v25_categories` t2 ON c2.`catid`=t2.`id` JOIN `v34_db`.`v34_categories` t1 ON t2.`alias`=t1.`alias` AND t1.`path`=t2.`path` AND t1.`extension`='com_content' AND t2.`extension`='com_content' SET c1.`catid`=t1.`id`; -- Joe-Code: LIST Rows to be affected (for test purposes) -- SELECT SUBSTRING(a.`name`, 1, INSTR(a.`name`, ':|joe')-1 ) -- FROM `v34_db`.`v34_assets` a -- WHERE a.`name` LIKE '%:|joe|:%' -- Joe-Code: Remove comments UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_assets` a SET a.`name`=SUBSTRING(a.`name`, 1, INSTR(a.`name`, ':|joe')-1 ) WHERE a.`name` LIKE '%:|joe|:%';
As helpful as they'll ever be. Still, I have a few I might want to keep, might as well migrate all of them:
-- ********************************************************************* -- Weblinks -- ********************************************************************* -- First let us copy over all the weblinks, we will deal with categories -- and assets afterwards: -- ********************************************************************* -- Clear the weblinks table DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_weblinks`; ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_weblinks` AUTO_INCREMENT=1; -- Copy over the weblinks INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_weblinks` ( `id`, `catid`, `title`, `alias`, `url`, `description`, `hits`, `state`, `ordering`, `access`, `params`, `language`, `created`, `created_by`, `created_by_alias`, `modified`, `modified_by`, `metakey`, `metadesc`, `metadata`, `featured`, `xreference`) SELECT a.`id`, a.`catid`, a.`title`, a.`alias`, a.`url`, CONCAT(a.`description`, `:|joe|:`, a.`catid`) AS `description`, a.`hits`, a.`state`, a.`ordering`, a.`access`, a.`params`, a.`language`, a.`created`, a.`created_by`, a.`created_by_alias`, a.`modified`, a.`modified_by`, a.`metakey`, a.`metadesc`, a.`metadata`, a.`featured`, a.`xreference` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_weblinks` a; -- Joe-Code: Remove comments -- UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_weblinks` a -- SET a.`description`=SUBSTRING(a.`description`, 1, INSTR(a.`description`, ':|joe')-1 ) -- WHERE a.`description` LIKE '%:|joe|:%'; -- ********************************************************************* -- Weblink Categories -- ********************************************************************* -- METHOD #1 - Use the GUI to create your weblink categories: -- Adding the weblinks using the Joomla admin interface and then -- updating the database with the correct IDs is easier than the script. -- Use this if there aren't many to do. In this example, I am applying -- this to the "uncategorized" category. -- ********************************************************************* SET @uncategorisedCategoryID_new = ( SELECT id FROM `v34_db`.`v34_categories` WHERE extension='com_weblinks' AND alias='uncategorised'); SET @uncategorisedCategoryID_old = ( SELECT id FROM `v25_db`.`v25_categories` WHERE extension='com_weblinks' AND alias='uncategorised'); UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_weblinks` SET `catid` = @uncategorisedCategoryID_new WHERE `catid` = @uncategorisedCategoryID_old; -- ********************************************************************* -- Weblink Categories -- ********************************************************************* -- METHOD #2: The challenge here is that we need the weblink categories -- inserted as core joomla categories and their respective asset entries. -- ********************************************************************* -- Assets SET @maxAssetContentID = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `v34_db`.`v34_assets` WHERE `name` LIKE 'com_weblinks.category.%'); SET @nextAssetContentID = @maxAssetContentID; SET @assetParentID = ( SELECT `id` FROM `v34_db`.`v34_assets` WHERE `name` LIKE 'com_weblinks.category.%' AND `title` = 'Uncategorised'); INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_assets` ( `parent_id`, `lft`, `rgt`, `level`, `name`, `title`, `rules`) SELECT @assetParentID, a.`lft`, a.`rgt`, a.`level`, CONCAT('com_weblinks.category.', @nextAssetContentID:=@nextAssetContentID+1, ':|joe|:', c.`id`,':|joe|:', a.`name`) AS new_name, a.`title`, a.`rules` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_assets` a INNER JOIN `v25_db`.`v25_categories` c ON WHERE a.`name` LIKE 'com_weblinks.category.%'; -- Categories SET @assetParentID = ( SELECT `id` FROM `v34_db`.`v34_assets` WHERE `name` LIKE 'com_weblinks.category%' AND `title` = 'Uncategorised' LIMIT 0,1); INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_categories` ( `asset_id`, `parent_id`, `level`, `path`, `extension`, `title` `alias`, `note`, `description`, `published` `access`, `params`, `metadesc`, `metakey` `metadata`, `created_user_id`, `created_time`, `modified_user_id`, `modified_time`, `hits`, `language`) SELECT a.`asset_id`, @assetParentID, a.`level`, a.`path`, a.`extension`, a.`title`, a.`alias`, a.`note`, a.`description`, a.`published`, a.`access`, a.`params`, a.`metadesc`, a.`metakey`, a.`metadata`, a.`created_user_id`, a.`created_time`, a.`modified_user_id`, a.`modified_time`, a.`hits`, a.`language` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_categories` a INNER JOIN `v25_db`.`v25_assets` a2 ON INNER JOIN `v34_db`.`v34_assets` b ON ( SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.`name`, ':|joe|:', -2),':|joe|:', 1) FROM `v34_db`.`v34_assets` b WHERE b.`name` LIKE 'com_weblinks.category.%:|joe%' ) = WHERE a2.`name` LIKE 'com_weblinks.category.%';Pre-Release Go-Live Notes:
The following is to enable any activated users on the v2.5 system so that they can log in to the new system.
-- TO ACTIVATE USERS (do NOT do this until after you have finished the migration): UPDATE `v34_db`.`v34_users` a, `jbuzzer_joellipman_live`.`jdlv2_users` b SET a.`block`=b.`block` WHERE a.`id`=b.`id`; -- Tip: order by created_user_id in both ascending/descending to ensure any new user IDs -- Any deletions should be accompanied by reset of auto-increment -- eg. ALTER TABLE `v34_content` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1
Obviously only do this if you have jComments installed. If I ever get a task to migrate a website with K2, I'll update this article.
-- ********************************************************************* -- JComments 3.0 for Joomla 3.x -- ********************************************************************* -- A third-party product which is integrated to many delivered templates -- that use the Joomla core content components. -- ********************************************************************* -- Our task here is to insert the new comments, correctly associated to -- their respective articles and users. Most of the users as per -- previous steps will match up, anonymous users (non-registered members) -- will be migrated without association (retain UserID=0). The article IDs -- should also match up. -- ********************************************************************* -- This script assumes you have no jComments in the new system (why -- should you have new ones? This is a site migration not an upgrade). -- [Optional: Clear jComments and reset table index with DELETE and ALTER] -- NOTE: One-line inserts only apply where the column count is the same. -- ********************************************************************* -- Comments DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments`; ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments` AUTO_INCREMENT=1; INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_comments` ( `id`, `parent`, `thread_id`, `path`, `level`, `object_id`, `object_group`, `object_params`, `lang`, `userid`, `name`, `username`, `email`, `homepage`, `title`, `comment` `ip`, `date`, `isgood`, `ispoor` `published`, `deleted`, `subscribe`, `source` `source_id`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `editor` ) SELECT a.`id`, a.`parent`, a.`thread_id`, a.`path`, a.`level`, a.`object_id`, a.`object_group`, a.`object_params`, a.`lang`, a.`userid`, a.`name`, a.`username`, a.`email`, a.`homepage`, a.`title`, a.`comment` a.`ip`, a.`date`, a.`isgood`, a.`ispoor` a.`published`, a.`deleted`, a.`subscribe`, a.`source` a.`source_id`, a.`checked_out`, a.`checked_out_time`, a.`editor` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_comments` a -- Blacklist DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_blacklist`; ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_blacklist` AUTO_INCREMENT=1; INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_blacklist` ( `id`, `ip`, `userid`, `created`, `created_by`, `expire`, `reason`, `notes`, `editor` ) SELECT a.`id`, a.`ip`, a.`userid`, a.`created`, a.`created_by`, a.`expire`, a.`reason`, a.`notes`, a.`editor` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_jcomments_blacklist` a -- Custom BB Codes DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_custom_bbcodes`; ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_custom_bbcodes` AUTO_INCREMENT=1; INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_custom_bbcodes` SELECT * FROM `v25_db`.`v25_jcomments_custom_bbcodes`; DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_objects`; ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_objects` AUTO_INCREMENT=1; INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_objects` ( `id`, `object_id`, `object_group`, `lang`, `title`, `link`, `access`, `userid`, `expired`, `modified` ) SELECT a.`id`, a.`object_id`, a.`object_group`, a.`lang`, a.`title`, a.`link`, a.`access`, a.`userid`, a.`expired`, a.`modified` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_jcomments_objects` a -- INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_reports` -- SELECT * FROM `v25_db`.`v25_jcomments_reports`; DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_settings`; ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_settings` AUTO_INCREMENT=1; INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_settings` SELECT * FROM `v25_db`.`v25_jcomments_settings`; DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_subscriptions`; ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_subscriptions` AUTO_INCREMENT=1; INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_subscriptions` ( `id`, `object_id`, `object_group`, `lang`, `userid`, `name`, `email`, `hash`, `published`, `source` ) SELECT a.`id`, a.`object_id`, a.`object_group`, a.`lang`, a.`userid`, a.`name`, a.`email`, a.`hash`, a.`published`, a.`source` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_jcomments_subscriptions` a -- INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_version` SELECT * FROM `v25_db`.`v25_jcomments_version`; DELETE FROM `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_votes`; ALTER TABLE `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_votes` AUTO_INCREMENT=1; INSERT INTO `v34_db`.`v34_jcomments_votes` ( `id`, `commentid`, `userid`, `ip`, `date`, `value` ) SELECT `id`, `commentid`, `userid`, `ip`, `date`, `value` FROM `v25_db`.`v25_jcomments_votes` aQuick string replacements
These are merely for reference for myself. Their purpose are for quick tweaks to the database values after a migration.
-- Replace stringtofind with the string you want to find -- Replace stringtoreplace with the string you want to replace with -- REPLACE FROM A STARTING POINT -- Read-Only (see changes to commit) SELECT a.`fieldtochange`, SUBSTRING(a.`fieldtochange`, INSTR(a.`fieldtochange`, 'stringtofind') ) FROM `v34_mytablename` a WHERE a.`fieldtochange` LIKE '%stringtofind%' -- Write-Mode (commit changes) UPDATE `v34_mytablename` a SET a.`fieldtochange`= SUBSTRING(a.`fieldtochange`, INSTR(a.`fieldtochange`, 'stringtofind') ) WHERE a.`fieldtochange` LIKE '%stringtofind%' -- REPLACE ANY OCCURRENCE -- Read-Only (see changes to commit) SELECT a.`fieldtochange`, REPLACE(a.`fieldtochange`, 'stringtofind', 'stringtoreplace') FROM `v34_mytablename` a WHERE a.`fieldtochange` LIKE '%stringtofind%' -- Write-Mode (commit changes) UPDATE `v34_mytablename` a SET a.`fieldtochange` = REPLACE(a.`fieldtochange`, 'stringtofind', 'stringtoreplace') WHERE a.`fieldtochange` LIKE '%stringtofind%'Watch out for any recursive loops.
As I use this on more websites, I will update this article accordingly. At the time of print, I have only done one website with the above instructions, mine.
Category: Joomla :: Article: 628