A more comprehensive post on some other regex (regular expressions) to format values in Zoho.
The following will remove any non-digits:
v_MyString = "<b>Hello World 123</b>"; v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("[^0-9]",""); // yields 123
- v_MyString = "<b>Hello World 123</b>";
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("[^0-9]","");
- // yields 123
The following is used in searches to escape special characters with a backslash:
v_MyString = "Joe's \"Amazing\" Skill & Sidekick (1)"; v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(("([&'\"\%()])"),"\\$1",true); // yields Joe\'s \"Amazing\" Skill \& \ Sidekick \(1\) v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("%"),"\u0025",true);
- v_MyString = "Joe's \"Amazing\" Skill & Sidekick (1)";
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(("([&'\"\%()])"),"\\$1",true);
- // yields Joe\'s \"Amazing\" Skill \& \ Sidekick \(1\)
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("%"),"\u0025",true);
The following will strip all HTML/XML tags:
v_MyString = "<b style='color:red'>Hello World 123</b>"; v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("<(.|\n)*?>",""); // yields Hello World 123
- v_MyString = "<b style='color:red'>Hello World 123</b>";
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("<(.|\n)*?>","");
- // yields Hello World 123
URL safe slug:
v_MyString = "Hello World 123"; v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ","-"); v_MyFormattedString = v_MyFormattedString.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9-]+",""); // yields hello-world-123
- v_MyString = "Hello World 123";
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ","-");
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyFormattedString.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9-]+","");
- // yields hello-world-123
Email safe string:
v_MyString = "somewhere[]@beyondthesea_1.com";
v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.toLowerCase().trim();
v_MyFormattedString = v_MyFormattedString.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9@\-.]+","");
// yields This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- v_MyString = "somewhere[]@beyondthesea_1.com";
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.toLowerCase().trim();
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyFormattedString.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9@\-.]+","");
- // yields This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Replace any duplicates:
v_MyString = "Hello World Hello Joe"; v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("(\b\w+\b)(?=.*\b\1\b)",""); // yields World Hello Joe
- v_MyString = "Hello World Hello Joe";
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("(\b\w+\b)(?=.*\b\1\b)","");
- // yields World Hello Joe
Remove block comments:
v_MyRegEx = "(\/\*([^*]|(\*+[^*\/]))*\*+\/)"; v_MyString = "String to output: /* this is a comment */"; v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(v_MyRegEx,""); // yields String to output:
- v_MyRegEx = "(\/\*([^*]|(\*+[^*\/]))*\*+\/)";
- v_MyString = "String to output: /* this is a comment */";
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(v_MyRegEx,"");
- // yields string to output:
Zoho Deluge Validation Checking by Regular Expression:
So I could do it the long way in Zoho Deluge. We match a pattern and replace everything out that conforms to the criteria so a true response will be an empty string:
v_MyRegEx = "^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$";
v_MyString = "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.";
v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(v_MyRegEx,"");
b_Ok = if( v_MyFormattedString == "", true, false);
// yields true
v_MyString = "somewhere[]@beyondthesea_1.com";
v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(v_MyRegEx,"");
b_Ok = if( v_MyFormattedString == "", true, false);
// yields false
- v_MyRegEx = "^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$";
- v_MyString = "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.";
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(v_MyRegEx,"");
- b_Ok = if( v_MyFormattedString == "", true, false);
- // yields true
- v_MyString = "somewhere[]@beyondthesea_1.com";
- v_MyFormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(v_MyRegEx,"");
- b_Ok = if( v_MyFormattedString == "", true, false);
- // yields false
Yay Zoho has "matches". So this is the regex way to do it:
v_MyRegEx = "^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$";
v_MyString = "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.";
b_Ok = if( v_MyString.matches( v_MyRegEx ), true, false);
// yields true
- v_MyRegEx = "^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$";
- v_MyString = "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.";
- b_Ok = if( v_MyString.matches( v_MyRegEx ), true, false);
- // yields true
Some other validation checks:
// validate UK postcode v_MyRegEx = "^((([A-PR-UWYZ])([0-9][0-9A-HJKS-UW]?))|(([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y])([0-9][0-9ABEHMNPRV-Y]?))\s{0,2}(([0-9])([ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z])([ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z])))|(((GI)(R))\s{0,2}((0)(A)(A)))$";
- // validate UK postcode
- v_MyRegEx = "^((([A-PR-UWYZ])([0-9][0-9A-HJKS-UW]?))|(([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y])([0-9][0-9ABEHMNPRV-Y]?))\s{0,2}(([0-9])([ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z])([ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z])))|(((GI)(R))\s{0,2}((0)(A)(A)))$";
Some XML bits:
v_MyRegEx = "<!\[CDATA\[([^\]]*)\]\]>"; v_MyString = "<tag1><![CDATA[my_real_textual_data]]></tag1>"; v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(v_MyRegEx,"$1",false); // yields <tag1>my_real_textual_data</tag1>
- v_MyRegEx = "<!\[CDATA\[([^\]]*)\]\]>";
- v_MyString = "<tag1><![CDATA[my_real_textual_data]]></tag1>";
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(v_MyRegEx,"$1",false);
- // yields <tag1>my_real_textual_data</tag1>
Since writing this article I found a Zoho page with some other pretty useful regular expressions at https://zoholic.blogspot.com/2015/04/some-usefull-regex-in-zoho.html:
Convert a string of characters to a list:
v_MyString = "12345"; l_StringValues = v_MyString.replaceAll("(?)",",",false).removeFirstOccurence(",").removeLastOccurence(",").toList(); // yields list of [1,2,3,4,5] // NB: "1mySep2mySep3mySep4mySep5".toList("mySep"); // yields list of [1,2,3,4,5]
- v_MyString = "12345";
- l_StringValues = v_MyString.replaceAll("(?)",",",false).removeFirstOccurence(",").removeLastOccurence(",").toList();
- // yields list of [1,2,3,4,5]
- // NB: "1mySep2mySep3mySep4mySep5".toList("mySep");
- // yields list of [1,2,3,4,5]
Replace any multiple spaces with a single space:
v_MyString = "Hello World!"; v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("[ ]+"," ",false); // yields Hello World!
- v_MyString = "Hello World!";
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("[ ]+"," ",false);
- // yields Hello World!
Remove consecutive duplicate words:
// replace consecutive duplicates v_MyString = "Hello Hello Joe"; v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(("([A-Za-z]+) \1"),"$1",false); // yields Hello Joe // NB: v_MyString = "Hello World Hello Joe" // yields Hello World Hello Joe
- // replace consecutive duplicates
- v_MyString = "Hello Hello Joe";
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(("([A-Za-z]+) \1"),"$1",false);
- // yields Hello Joe
- // NB: v_MyString = "Hello World Hello Joe"
- // yields Hello World Hello Joe
Escape/Backslash some special characters:
v_MyString = "Joe's \"Amazing\" Skill & <His> Grunt"; v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(("([&'\"<>])"),"\\$1",false); // yields Joe\'s \"Amazing\" Skill \& \<His\> Grunt
- v_MyString = "Joe's \"Amazing\" Skill & <His> Grunt";
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(("([&'\"<>])"),"\\$1",false);
- // yields Joe\'s \"Amazing\" Skill \& \<His\> Grunt
Replace new lines in returned JSON (invalid in Zoho):
v_MyString = "{"MyKey":"MyValue "}"; // the long way (and cos the regex for this isn't working) v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("\r","",false); // carriage returns v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("\n","",false); // line feeds v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("\f","",false); // form feeds // a regex that should work but doesn't v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(("([\n\r])"),"",false);
- v_MyString = "{"MyKey":"MyValue
- "}";
- // the long way (and cos the regex for this isn't working)
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("\r","",false);  // carriage returns
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("\n","",false);  // line feeds
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("\f","",false);  // form feeds
- // a regex that should work but doesn't
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll(("([\n\r])"),"",false);
Split a string by a word:
v_MyString = "PoshDavid Beckham"; v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("\b(Posh)([^ ]*)","$1 and $2",false); // yields Posh and David Beckham
- v_MyString = "PoshDavid Beckham";
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("\b(Posh)([^ ]*)","$1 and $2",false);
- // yields Posh and David Beckham
UK/US Decimal Separator and Commas:
v_MyString = 1234.567; v_FormattedString = (v_MyString.round(2)).toString().replaceAll(("(?<!\.\d)(?<=\d)(?=(?:\d\d\d)+\b)"),","); // yields 1,234.57
- v_MyString = 1234.567;
- v_FormattedString = (v_MyString.round(2)).toString().replaceAll(("(?<!\.\d)(?<=\d)(?=(?:\d\d\d)+\b)"),",");
- // yields 1,234.57
European Decimal Separator and Commas:
v_MyString = 1234.567; v_FormattedString = (v_MyString.round(2)).toString().replaceAll("\.",",").replaceAll(("(?<!,\d)(?<=\d)(?=(?:\d\d\d)+\b)"),"."); // yields 1.234,57
- v_MyString = 1234.567;
- v_FormattedString = (v_MyString.round(2)).toString().replaceAll("\.",",").replaceAll(("(?<!,\d)(?<=\d)(?=(?:\d\d\d)+\b)"),".");
- // yields 1.234,57
Extract URL from a link:
v_MyString = "<a href=\"https://www.google.com?searchword=Joe\">Link</a>"; v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("^.*href\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\".*$","$1"); // yields https://www.google.com?searchword=Joe
- v_MyString = "<a href=\"https://www.google.com?searchword=Joe\">Link</a>";
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("^.*href\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\".*$","$1");
- // yields https://www.google.com?searchword=Joe
Get first 3 words:
v_MyString = "I am Joe the Awesomest"; v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("^((?:\S+\s+){2}\S+).*","$1",false); // yields I am Joe
- v_MyString = "I am Joe the Awesomest";
- v_FormattedString = v_MyString.replaceAll("^((?:\S+\s+){2}\S+).*","$1",false);
- // yields I am Joe
Not a regular expression but something I use to pad months and dates in a date format:
v_MyString = 2; // February v_FormattedString = leftpad(toString(v_MyString), 2).replaceAll(" ", "0"); // yields "02"
- v_MyString = 2;  // February
- v_FormattedString = leftpad(toString(v_MyString), 2).replaceAll(" ", "0");
- // yields "02"