How to use the randomization features of Oracle PL/SQL.
I've been tasked with writing a stored procedure that scrambles data for developers working with some of our databases containing sensitive data.
SELECT DBMS_RANDOM.option1[(option2)] FROM DUAL;
- SELECT DBMS_RANDOM.option1[(option2)] FROM DUAL;
- U (for Uppercase)
- L (for Lowercase)
- A (for AlphaNumeric)
- X (for Alphanumeric with upper case alphabets)
- P (for Printable characters only)
select dbms_random.random from dual; -- yields random number, eg. 68489408 select dbms_random.value from dual; -- yields values between 0 and 1 select dbms_random.value(1,1000) myAlias from dual; -- yields number between 1 and 1000 select dbms_random.string('U', 10) myAlias from dual; -- yields uppercase string of 10 letters select dbms_random.string('L', 10) myAlias from dual; -- yields lowercase string of 10 letters select dbms_random.string('A', 10) myAlias from dual; -- yields string of 10 mixed upper and lowercase letters select dbms_random.string('X', 10) myAlias from dual; -- yields string of 10 mixed uppercase letters and digits select dbms_random.string('P', 10) myAlias from dual; -- yields string of 10 printable characters (includes symbols/punctuation)
- select dbms_random.random from dual;
- -- yields random number, eg. 68489408
- select dbms_random.value from dual;
- -- yields values between 0 and 1
- select dbms_random.value(1,1000) myAlias from dual;
- -- yields number between 1 and 1000
- select dbms_random.string('U', 10) myAlias from dual;
- -- yields uppercase string of 10 letters
- select dbms_random.string('L', 10) myAlias from dual;
- -- yields lowercase string of 10 letters
- select dbms_random.string('A', 10) myAlias from dual;
- -- yields string of 10 mixed upper and lowercase letters
- select dbms_random.string('X', 10) myAlias from dual;
- -- yields string of 10 mixed uppercase letters and digits
- select dbms_random.string('P', 10) myAlias from dual;
- -- yields string of 10 printable characters (includes symbols/punctuation)
Source: derived from: