This type of query is for when you want any of the values from one resulting row. Similar to "loadRow()" but you refer to the results using their column name:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select(array('name', ...
... how SharePoint will open a shared calendar if you don't already have it in your Outlook 2007. Similar to you opening a shared calendar, the sharepoint calendar will sit separate to the others. Once it' ...
... same values, so I should go through the database and change all variations to be typed the same way in the same case.
Wouldn't it be nice to search through your entire database for similar sounding ...
I have a PHP script which behaves like PhpMyAdmin, in that it automatically lists a database structure and the fields to modify similar to an excel spreadsheet. Now without using PHP, I need standalone ...
This has taken me too long to figure out and I hope I don't lose this note again. The only website that was titled similarly kept slowing down my computer too much so I decided to work out my own. ...
We can do this by adding an entry to the context menu (when you right-click on an object). The following is a method of adding this as a single command similar to how we add the "Command prompt from ...
If you ever want to check the parameters submitted with a report for alpha numeric characters (so it doesn't contain symbols, punctuations, etc) then you should do this at the database level, and ...
... as displayed in the following image (apologies for the image but it's still clear as mud in my head):
Oracle SQL*Plus
Only for display/print but SQL*Plus has a nifty separator record activated similarly ...
... But unlike many other similar programs which add to the network traffic, this program adds NOTHING to the network traffic, and therefore is a much better measure of what data is being received/sent from ...
... On the system that used to do this, we could use the HTML attribute "OnError" to load an alternative image. We would like something similar for SSRS.
Solution #2: Alternative image if file does not ...
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