
Update for Joomla 2.5.x
Note that Joomla versions 1.6 upwards include this as an option in the global configuration settings which you can access using your Joomla admin panel:
  1. Template Manager
  2. Options
  3. Preview Module Positions -> Disabled or Enabled
You will still need to suffix the frontend URL with ?tp=1

Joomla 1.5.x

 This is another feature which took me a few years to notice in Joomla.  If you've ever installed a template for Joomla and spent hours working out where or how you are going to put what where, try adding ?tp=1 after your index.php url (ie.

If this doesn't work for you try this:

  1. Log in to the backend of your website (into the Joomla Admin Panel)
  2. Go to Extensions > Template Manager > select your template
  3. Click on the big Preview button in the top right
  4. Click on the link 'Show in New Window'
  5. Bookmark the web address of the new window

The bookmark/favorite that you have just made can be refreshed when you change things on your site and should reflect exactly how your website is overlayed with the module positions.  You will need to repeat the process when you select a different template but otherwise the bookmark will last as long as you keep that template.

Somebody said I could pay to get an export list of my Joomla users. I said Joomla is a FREE OpenSource system, why?

I want to move a client's list of Joomla users to a new system which allows the passwords to be in MD5. All I want is a quick bit of code to get all the users out of a Joomla CMS.

I could just type a query on the database and get the same result, but this script was more fun. Simply create a text file with the following code and upload it to the root of your Joomla website. Access the page from a browser and you should get all your users listed... For security reasons, delete the file after you have used it.


Basically the gist of … omla_Setup is as follows: 

Security Checklist 4 - Joomla Setup 
1. Install official versions of Joomla 
2. Change the default administrator username 
3. Protect directories and files 
4. Adjust file and directory permissions 
5. Remove unneeded files 
6. Turn Register Globals Emulation OFF 
7. Check for extension vulnerabilities 
8. Remove junk files 

Source: … omla_Setup

I'm making a custom component for Joomla CMS 2.5.x which is restricted to registered users only. On installation, and by default, the menu item returns a 500 - Server Error because the parameters haven't been set. I need to go into the Joomla Admin panel, view the Options of the component, and click on "Save"... despite the fact that I don't change anything.


RokStories Affinity is the July 2009 release from RocketTheme and features extensive third party support for powerful and popular community products, such as JomSocial, K2 and phpBB3.

The template's core feature is Sortable Elements, which allows for the movement of modular rows, individual positions and stacks of modules

Quick article here as googling/binging for how to refer to Joomla articles after versions 1.5.x wasn't obvious. This article is to demonstrate how to write the webaddress for a Joomla article even when you have Search-engine-friendly website addresses enabled.

Basically you have to include &view=article as opposed to Joomla v1.5.x when the option and id parameters would suffice:

- Direct Link (irrespective of SEF)

As with all Joomla articles and files, you need to check that they have been published and approved.  Sometimes you don't have to and it's all automatic, but if they're not showing:

  • Check that they're in the right section and category
  • Check that they have been approved and published 
This is a screenshot of two uploaded documents:


This article is a quick note on how to change your Joomla CMS "Read More" to "Register to Read More" all without hacking away at the Joomla core.

Well a few hacks may be necessary because not only do we want to restrict read more content (full text) and just show intro texts to public but the default Joomla instructions do not include the search engine. I need the Joomla built-in search engine to also ignore permissions so that the article can still be indexed in global search engines such as Google.

It's been difficult to search for the right words but heres the method to restrict the introtext to the public and fulltext (read more) to the registered users:

Please publish modules in offcanvas position.