
This is a quick note on one reason you may get the above error in a Joomla CMS environment.

Call to a member function mark() on a non-object in /public_html/index.php

Not really a solution here because this is indicating that the system can't find the core framework files. Yes the bad news is you have lost your site. The good news is that it's only the core files and component files. Here are some tips when restoring the site to return it to as it was.

Image RokStories has been overhauled to provide the spectacular display that you see on this demo. The module adapts depending on your image size, so no need to manually create rounded corners on your images, RokStories will do the rest.

The custom features are also available in the standalone version.

After I installed the rokstories module from, if I clicked on one of the articles (rokstory), I would get a page with the article on it but with the following error (3x) above it:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.../components/com_content/helpers/route.php on line 106

After googling I found an unlikely solution which is becoming typical of Joomla. I hadn't switched the site to SEF friendly yet but I did this just to follow along with the solution. You need to make a menuitem to just one of the articles. I have a menu called "unused menuitems" (named unusedmenu), which isn't displayed anywhere on my site. I'm guessing the reference in the database is what corrects this.

This issue happened with a friend who was trying to upload extensions.  You should find that the configuration file is unwriteable (and that you can't change it using the joomla interface).

In the end to resolve this, he had to do a fresh install and double-checked the server settings for a subdomain. 

Trying to make a component and can't remember how to store HTML code when the save command is clicked (ie. submitted from a PHP form). This is for the Opensource Content Management System (CMS - phew what a mouthful) Joomla! version 1.6.x to 2.5.x; no wonder customers have difficulty following.

So it's the field on the XML file /models/forms/whatever.xml which needs the filter=raw attribute, for example:
<field name="item_desc" type="editor" filter="raw" rows="15" cols="40" default="" />

Other searches:
  • Stripping HTML from my joomla 2.5 component
  • Leave my HTML alone for admins
  • field types for Joomla 1.6

Having trouble ordering your frontpage articles? After re-ordering articles wondering where it was taking the order it puts the articles in the front page (or landing page) was confusing me. The quick answer is that it is within the menu manager > main menu > menu item section of your Joomla! Admin Panel.

Certain Advanced Parameters in your Menu Item called "Home" must be set correctly for the article ordering you set in your Front Page Manager to take effect.

A quick article on how to use the where clause in a joomla database query.

In response to a member, I use the old form where I can include the whole SQL statement:
$db->query('SELECT * FROM #__myTable WHERE condition1=true or condition2=true')

Method #1 - chain:

Hide Menu Item from Registered and Special

Refer to this link if you want to clean out a front-end admin interface with your website's style.  The following is from at this date/time.

Can't simply hide an item but can hide a menu (of course the menu could have been created with just one item with no title and positioned at the bottom of another menu; this would look like it was all part of one menu).

toubkal wrote:
This cannot be done by joomla administration but can be done by template code, you can have a module position in the template that is set to only show when the visitor is not logged in e.g. Code:

<?php if ( !$my->id ) {?> 
     <div id="topmod"><?php mosLoadModules ( 'top', -2 ); ?> </div>
<?php } ?>


Joomla extension disable menu link for registered users but not for public 

More Information: not so great, lot of text:

Please publish modules in offcanvas position.