This is an article on how to replace a string with another in all your joomla articles without modifying other data such as modified date and author.
I used to have a third-party plugin that would replace my HTML tags <PRE> with <PRE CLASS="brush:php">. Not I want to switch these back.
For demo purposes, I'm searching a column called introtext in a database table called MYTABLE_content. First let me find all the articles that need this change:
SET @stringtoFind='<pre class="brush:php">'; SET @stringtoReplaceWith='<pre>'; SELECT `id` , `title` , IF(LOCATE( @stringtoFind, REPLACE(`content_column`, @stringtoFind, @stringtoReplaceWith) )>0,'yes','no') as OldFoundInNew, IF(LOCATE( @stringtoReplaceWith, `content_column`)>0,'yes','no') as NewFoundInOld, IF(LOCATE( @stringtoReplaceWith, REPLACE(`content_column`, @stringtoFind, @stringtoReplaceWith) )>0,'yes','no') as OldFoundInNew, SUBSTRING(`content_column`, LOCATE( @stringtoFind, `content_column` )) as OldFind, REPLACE(`content_column`, @stringtoFind, @stringtoReplaceWith) AS newText, `content_column` as oldText FROM `MYTABLE_content` WHERE `content_column` LIKE CONCAT('%',@stringtoFind,'%') -- yields id title OldFoundInOld NewFoundInOld OldFoundInNew newText oldText 1 Article 1 yes no no <pre class="brush:php">Hello World</pre> <pre>Hello World</pre> 2 Article 2 yes no no <pre class="brush:php">Hello World</pre> <pre>Hello World</pre> 3 Article 3 yes no no <pre class="brush:php">Hello World</pre> <pre>Hello World</pre>
Now update them
SET @stringtoFind='<pre class="brush:php">'; SET @stringtoReplaceWith='<pre>'; UPDATE `MYTABLE_content` SET `introtext` = REPLACE(`introtext`, @stringtoFind, @stringtoReplaceWith) WHERE `introtext` LIKE CONCAT('%',@stringtoFind,'%')
Run the first query again and no rows should be returned.
Quick Joomla One
I use this reluctantly but often necessarily.
SET @stringtoFind='<pre class="brush:php">'; SET @stringtoReplaceWith='<pre>'; UPDATE `MYTABLE_content` SET `introtext` = REPLACE(`introtext`, @stringtoFind, @stringtoReplaceWith), `fulltext` = REPLACE(`fulltext`, @stringtoFind, @stringtoReplaceWith) WHERE `introtext` LIKE CONCAT('%',@stringtoFind,'%') OR `fulltext` LIKE CONCAT('%',@stringtoFind,'%')
You might get some errors talking about some empty rows but don't be deceived as the update will have happened anyway.
Other Searches
- Search and Replace a string in a mySQL database.